Golf Notes 6/5/24 – 12/5/24


The Veterans had 37 players, playing a single stableford competition.  The winner was R Burnett with 37 pts, runner up was T Russell with 36 pts.  The ball run down went to S Dennis, D Forsyth & N Halls with 35 pts, followed by G Clark, J Trovatello & K Rhodes 34 pts and R Freeman, S Bailey & K Sawtell with 33 pts.  Pin shots were received by C Petroholis, B May & W Lovett while D Wall, D Zahnow & A Leary received the ladies.   The Encouragement Award was received by R Holland.  Next week will be a single stroke competition.  Don’t forget the Beaudesert Open Day on the 27th May.


Wednesday the Ladies had 9 players play a single stableford competition.  The winner was H Roebig with 40 pts, runner up V Tippett with 31 pts.  Pin shots was received by K Cook & J Edwards.    This week will be a 2 ball Ambrose competition, sponsored by B Dover.


Wednesday the Sporters were sponsored by G Parker & L Blunt playing a single stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.   The winner was J McGrath with 26 pts, runner up was S Fahey with 25 pts.  The run down went to T Roebig 24 pts followed by B Beasley, L Vandenbrink & G Benstead with 23 pts.   Pin shots were received by W Lovett on 13, L Blunt received 17 while S Fahey received 18.   The Dugandan Dice winner was S Lutter with 5 Nines.    This week will be sponsored by Boonah Tyre Service playing a single stroke 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.  Next week will be sponsored by D Forsyth playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.


Saturday was sponsored by Boonah Jewellery & Gifts playing a single stableford/monthly mug competition.  The winner was M Cavanagh with 39 pts, runner up was B Lynch ocb from B Beasley with 38 pts.  The run down continued with W Gnech 37 pts, J Sanderson, J Pfingst & W Maudsley 36 pts, followed by P Gerhardt, M Wyvill, P Schwarz, M Titcomb & S Bennett 35 pts and G Parker 34 pts.   Pin shots were received by P King & T Reid Pocock on 4/13, A Moore & T Reid Pocock received 8/17 while M Herrington received 9/18.   This week will be sponsored by Boonah Tyre Power playing a single stroke competition.  This will be the next round of the Claret Jug Challenge.  Next week will be sponsored by Platinum Edge playing the 4BBB stroke Medley Championship.


This week we have a Social Club using all the buggies.  Social play will be available, after the they have finished their game.   Ring the clubhouse if wanting a buggy to make sure there is one available to avoid disappointment.

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