Golf Notes 22/7/24 – 28/7-24


Monday the Veterans had 29 players, play a single stableford competition.  The winner was L Blunt ocb from runner up G Sharpe with 37 pts.  The ball run down went to K Turner, D Forsyth & J Browning with 36 pts, followed by B Brown & G Hunt 35 pts and R Freeman & W Hill 34 pts.  Pin shots were received by R Burnett, W Maudsley & D Bass while the ladies were received by K Turner & D Wall.  Next week will be a single stableford competition.


Wednesday the Ladies had 8 players play a single stableford competition, sponsored by V Sampson.  The winner was S Grace with 40 pts, runner up was B Dover with 34 pts.  The run down went to K Cook 33 pts and L Reinholdsson with 32 pts ocb.     This week will be a single stableford competition sponsored by J Edwards.  Next week will be a single stroke competition for a monthly medal competition.


Wednesday the Sporters were sponsored by G Searle playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.  The winner was B Lynch with 33 pts, runner up was R Freeman with 31 pts.  The run down went to J Trovatello & B Shaw 26 pts followed by W Lovett & G Hunt 25 pts and T Henderson with 24 pts.  The NAGA was awarded to J Strutt.  Pin shots were received by R Burnett & G Eviston on 4, B Beasley received 8 while S Fahey received 9.  The Dugandan Dice winner was G Hunt with 5 Aces.    This week will be sponsored by R Freeman & R Burnett playing a single stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.  Next week will be sponsored by M Gray & R Holland playing a single stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.


Saturday was kindly sponsored by Drummond Golf West Burleigh playing a single stroke competition. Thanks to Glen for your continued support.  The overall winner was J West with 67 net.   The mens winner was W Gnech with 69 net, runner up was J Gurney ocb from K Wilson with 71 net also ocb.  The Ladies winner was S Reid with 70 net, runner up was N Stanfield with 72 net, followed by J Pfingst with 73 net.  The rundown went to J Grimsey 71 net, P Gerhardt, J Sanderson & G Grimsey 72 net, followed by M Wyvill & B Philp 73 net and A Bennett, D Forsyth, B May & A Parker with 74 net.  Pin shots were received by J Sanderson & D Wall on 4/13, A Parker received 8/17 while K Wilson & T Reid Pocock received 9/18.    This week will be sponsored by the Bartholomew family for the Keith & Sheila Bartholomew Memorial, playing a single stroke/Monthly Medal competition.  This will be round 6 of the Claret Jug Challenge.  Next week will be sponsored by Asahi Lifestyle Beverages playing a single stableford/monthly mug competition.


Sunday we played the Mixed Foursome Championships.  The Champions for 2024 are J Browning & J Pfingst with 129 off the stick, runners up were D Bass & N Mulligan with 131.  The net winners were I Pocock & T Reid Pocock with 106.5, runners up were B Brown & S McKenzie with 110.5.  Congratulations to all who played especially the winners and runners up on the day.

This week we have a small social club using some of our buggies.  Social Play will be available, though ring the club house to book a buggy to avoid disappointment, or to see if there is one available.

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