Golf Notes 5/8/24 – 11/8/24


Monday the Veterans had 34 players, play a single stableford competition.  The winner was G Sharpe with 40 pts, runner up was J Gurney with 38 pts.  The ball run down went to G Clark 37 pts, D Stanfield, P Edward Ross & M Gnech 36 pts followed by T Henderson D Forsyth & D Wall with 35 pts.    Pin shots were received by J Picton, G Sharpe & J Gurney while the ladies were received by K Turner & D Wall.  Next week will be Boonah Veterans Open Day playing a single stableford competition.


Wednesday the Ladies had 10 players play a single stroke/monthly medal competition.  The winner was L Edwards with 69 net, runner up was J Dover with 70 net.  The run down went to D Marshall 72 net & S Grace with 75 net.  Pins shots were received by J Dover & A Brown.  This week will be a single stableford competition, for the next round of the Consistency Cup.   


Wednesday the Sporters were sponsored by M Gray & R Holland playing a single stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.  The winner was J Picton with 31 pts, runner up was P Willett ocb with 27 pts.  The run down went to J Gurney 27 pts, N Hooke, W Wieland, B Beasley & B May 26 pts followed by T Henderson, R Scells, D Forsyth & D Beazley 25 pts and T Roebig, S Edwards, K Rhodes, R Cuneo, C Farnan & G Searle with 24 pts.  Pin shots were received by C Farnan on 4, R Burnett received 8 while S Edwards received 9.  The Dugandan Dice winner was J Gurney.  This week will be the Wally Woolgar Memorial playing a single stroke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition, sponsored by his family.  Next week will be the Glenn Sippel Memorial sponsored by his QFS mates and D Forsyth & B Brown, playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.


Saturday was sponsored by Asahi Lifestyle Beverages playing a single stableford/monthly mug competition.  The mens winner was J Browning with 40 pts, runner up was P Rogers ocb with 39 pts.  The Ladies winner was A Tomlinson with 41 pts, runner up was T Reid Pocock with 38 pts.  The rundown went to D Stanfield 39 pts, J Miles, P Gerhardt, D Beazley 38 pts, M Herrington, B Williams, M Gnech & R Eacott 37 pts, followed by B May, V Bird & N Stanfield 36 pts and K Wilson, P King, D Tomlinson, D Forsyth, G Hunt, K Turner S Francis, S Edwards, M O’Reilly & J Pfingst with 35 pts.   Pin shots were received by S Lutter & V Bird on 4/13, J West & A Tomlinson received 8/17 while G Maynard & E Meagher received 9/18.    This week will be sponsored by H20 Gas Services playing a 4 ball Ambrose competition.   Next week will be The Boonah Rotary Open Day playing a single stableford competition.


This week we have a Social Club, using all the buggies. Social Play will be available to those walking or with their own buggy.   Buggies will be available after the social club have completed their round.  Call the club house to book your buggy to avoid disappointment.

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