Golf Notes 15/7/24 – 21/7/24


Monday the Veterans had 40 players, play a single stroke competition, for the final round of their Championships.  The winner was D Bass with 68 net, runner up was R Holland with 72 net.  The ball run down went to G Clark & J Browning 73 net, W Hill & J Gurney 74 net, followed by T Henderson, B Philp and G Hunt & L Blunt with 75 net.  The Champions for 2024 are D Bass & D Wall.  Pin shots were received by D Dann & C Petrohilos while the ladies were received by K Turner & D Wall.  Next week will be a single stableford competition.


Wednesday the Ladies had 10 players play a bisque bogey competition, sponsored by D Marshall.  The winner was T Reid Pocock ocb from runner up V Sampson with +7.  The run down went to H Roebig with +6 and L Reinholdsson with +4.   Pin Shots were received by T Reid Pocock & D Marshall.  This week will be a single stableford competition, sponsored by V Sampson.   Next week will be a single stableford sponsored by J Edwards.


Wednesday the Sporters had 33 players, play a single stroke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition, sponsored by The Bucher Co.  The winner was R Fitzgerald ocb from runner up R Cuneo & R Burnett with 48 net, followed by G Hunt with 50 net. The best gross for the day was R Burnett with 56 off the stick.  Pin shots were received L Blunt on 13, G Hunt received 17, while B Beasley received 18.  The Dugandan Dice winner was N Hooke in a toss off.    This week will be sponsored by G Searle playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. Next week will be sponsored by R Freeman & R Burnett playing a single stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.


Saturday was kindly sponsored by Tony Holland Funerals playing a single stableford competition.  Thanks to Tony for your continued support.  The overall winner was R Humphrey with 38 pts.   The mens winner was D Bass ocb from runner up P Gerhardt & K Wilson with 37 pts, followed by G Hunt with 36 pts ocb.  The Ladies winner was D Wall with 37 pts, runner up was L Edwards with 36 pts, followed by N Stanfield with 35 pts ocb.  The rundown went to L Blunt & S Fahey 36 pts, D Tomlinson, S Reid & B Philp 35 pts, followed by S Francis, D Forsyth & V Bird 34 pts and K Sawtell, J Haigh, M Gnech & G Eviston with 33 pts.   Pin shots were received by M Wyvill & K Graham on 4/13, K Wilson & J Pfingst received 8/17 while L Blunt & E Meagher received 9/18.    This week will be sponsored by Drummond Golf West Burleigh playing a single stroke competition. Next week will be sponsored by the Bartholomew family for the Keith & Sheila Bartholomew Memorial, playing a single stroke/Monthly Medal competition.  This will be round 6 of the Claret Jug Challenge.


This week we are playing the Mixed Foursomes. Social Play will be available in the afternoon after the players have completed their 18th hole as we play a 27 hole competition.

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