Golf Notes 4/3/24 – 10/3/23


Monday the Veterans had 41 players, play a stableford competition.  The winner was P Peck with 43 pts, runner up was J Trovatello with 38 pts.  The run down went to G Hunt & M Witney 36 pts, R Burnett, L Blunt & G Sharp 35 pts followed by N Stanfield, D Bass & D Wall 34 pts.   Pin shots were received by W Maudsley, D Gittins & D Bass while, D Wall & K Turner received the ladies.  The Encouragement Award went to B Harding.  The Members Draw jackpotted.    Next week will be a single stroke competition.


The Ladies played a single stroke competition for a club trophy.  The winner was B Dover with 74 net, runner up was K Cook with 79 net. The run down went to H Roebig with 80 net.  Pin shots were received by A Brown & K Cook.   Wednesday will be a stableford competition, this will be the 1st round of the Consistency Cup. 


Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by D Miles from Miles Ahead Plumbing playing stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.  The winner was K Rhodes with 29 pts, runner up was J Handley ocb from G Hunt with 28 pts.   The run down continued with M O’Reilly 27 pts, T Roebig & G Searle 26 pts followed by G Parker, B Brown & D Forsyth 25 pts and W Hall & M Gray 24 pts.  Pins shots were received by B Beasley on 4, G Eviston received 8 while W Gnech received 9.  The Dugandan Dice winner was J McGrath with 5 10’s.   This week will be sponsored by W Gnech playing a single stroke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.  Next week will be sponsored by R Fitzgerald playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.


Saturday was sponsored by Tony Holland Funerals playing a 4 Ball Ambrose competition.  The winners were J & D Gurney, B May & J Browning with 55.5 net, runners up were S Reid, N Mulligan, T Reid Pocock & D Bass 56.125, followed by A Parker W Gnech, C Bell & W Maudsley with 56.875.  The run down went to Z Eviston, S Francis, N Dean & J Louttit with 57.125, C J & K Wilson & I Browning 57.25, M Herrington, P Schwarz, A Hertweck & J Sanderson with 58.625 and A S & T Bennett & J Finney with 59.375.   Pin shots were received by G Benstead & J Pfingst on 4/13 while B Sampson & J Pfingst received 8/17.  This week end will be the start of our Championships playing  single stroke competitions on both Saturday & Sunday. Saturday will be sponsored by The Captains, Sunday will be sponsored by the Vice Presidents.   Next week end will see the 3rd and final round of Championships, sponsored by the President & Patrons.


No Social play this week and next week due to the Championships being held.

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