Golf Notes 3/5/24 – 9/5/24


Monday the Veterans had 38 players play a single stableford competition.  The winner was R Freeman ocb from runner up D Forsyth with 35 pts.  The ball run down went W Lovett, B Dover & B Philp 34 pts, K Brown & G Hunt 33 pts, followed by S Dennis, M Gray, A McNeill & B Brown 32 pts and B May, J Picton, G Sharpe, R Holland & D Stanfield with 31 pts.  Pin shots were received by G Sharpe, G Parker, C Petrohilos, B May, A McNeill and S Dennis while B Dover & N Stanfield received the ladies.   The Members Draw jackpotted.  Next week will be a single stroke competition. 


Wednesday the Ladies had 10 players, play a single stroke/monthly medal competition, for a club trophy.  The winner was A Brown with 70 net, runner up L Reinholdsson ocb from T Reid Pocock with 74 net, followed by H Roebig with 79 net.   Pin shots were received by N Stanfield & T Reid Pocock.    This week will be single stableford competition for the 4th round of the Consistency Cup.  Next week will be a Bing Bang Bong competition sponsored by R Fitzpatrick.


Wednesday the Sporters had 37 players play a single stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition, sponsored by S Fahey.  The winner was R Burnett ocb from runner up B Beasley with 26 pts.  The run down went to J Trovatello, R Stinson, T Roebig & G Benstead 25 pts, followed by M Gray & C Farnan 24 pts.  Pin shots were received C Farnan on 13, M Wyvill received 17 while K Rhodes received 18.  The Dugandan Dice winner was J Picton in a toss off.    This week will be sponsored by R Scells for the Kalbar Community Bank, playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.  Next week will be sponsored by D Rhodes from Scenic Rim Pest Management playing a single stroke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.


Saturday we played The Fassifern Bushrangers Open Day, playing a single stableford/monthly mug competition.  The A Grade winner was O Todd with 42 pts, runner up was P Schwarz ocb from A Heit with 36 pts followed by W Martin with 35 pts.  B Grade winner was G Benstead with 39 pts, runner up was K Ward ocb from I Pocock 37 pts followed by M Herrington with 36 pts.  C Grade winner & monthly mug winner was D Ryan with 41 pts, runner up was B Philp ocb from D Stanfield with 36 pts followed by J Trovatello 34 pts.  The Ladies winner was T Reid Pocock with 39 pts, runner up was J Pfingst with 37 pts, followed by N Mulligan ocb from B Dover with 33 pts.  The Social winner was G Andrews, runner up was L Wernowski.  The rundown went to W Maudsley 35 pts, R Higgs, J Gurney, A Parker & M Gnech 34 pts followed by J Lynch, B May, G Hunt & D Tomlinson 33 pts.  Pin shots were received by L Wernowski on 1/10, P McNiven received 2/11, S Fahey received 3/12, J Gurney & D Wall received 4/13, W Martin received 5/14, D Bass received 6/15, G Hunt received 7/16, W Maudsley & A Leary received 8/17 while L Wernowski & Banachak received 9/18.    This week will be sponsored by Boonah Bi Rite playing a single stableford competition.  Next week will be sponsored by Fassifern Coaches playing a single stableford.


Sunday we played the Mens Foursome Championships.  The Champions for 2024 are W Martin & P Gerhardt with 116 off the stick, runners up were A Gill & A Heit with 117.  The Net Champions are J Gurney & B May with 108 net, runners up were W Martin & J Gurney with 108.5.  The run down went to G Hunt & C Bell 109.75, A Heit & A Gill and A Parker & C Perrem 113 followed by W Maudsley & W Gnech 113.25 and L Blunt & D Forsyth 114.5.


This week we have a social club using all of our buggies.  No Social play will be available until they have finished their round.  Ring the club to make a booking to avoid disappointment.

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