Golf Notes 8/7/24 – 14/7-24


Monday the Veterans had 43 players, play a single stroke competition, for the 1st round of their Championships.  The winner was J Trovatello with 70 net, runner up was T Norris ocb from J Browning & G Parker with 71 net.    The ball run down continued with T Roebig & W Middlebrook 73 net and T Henderson, D Bass, D Wall, M Gray & G Sharpe 74 net.  Pin shots were received by T Roebig, B Philp & D Bass while the ladies were received by K Turner & D Wall.  Next week will be a single stableford competition.


Wednesday the Ladies had 8 players play a single stableford competition, for the 5th round of the Consistency Cup.  The winner was L Edwards with 32 pts, runner up K Cook ocb with 30 pts.  Pin Shots were received by L Edwards & D Marshall.  This was week will be a bisque bogey competition sponsored by D Marshall.    Next week will be a single stableford competition, sponsored by V Sampson.


Wednesday the Sporters had 36 players, play a 2 ball Ambrose 1-9 + 10, 14 + 15 competition, sponsored by FIS Insurance Brokers.  The winners were B Shaw & J Trovatello with 44¼, runners up were W Maudsley & T Roebig with 44¾, followed by G Hunt & J Picton 46 net & G Parker & B Beasley with 47 net.  The run down went to G Eviston & S Lutter 47¼, R Cuneo & W Wieland 48 net, B Brown & D Forsyth 48¾, and R Scells & C Jorgensen and R Maudsley & P Willett 49 net.  Pin shots were received R Stinson on 4, A Skinner received 8, while G Parker received 9.  The Dugandan Dice winner was C Jorgensen in a toss off.    This week will be sponsored by The Bucher Co playing a single stroke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.  Next week will be sponsored by G Searle playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.


Saturday was kindly sponsored by Dover & Sons for the Dover Memorial, playing a single stableford/monthly mug competition. Thanks to Bob Dover for the array of prizes on the day.  The overall winner was I Pocock ocb from the mens winner S Bailey with 38 pts runner up was G Clark also ocb with 37 pts.  The Ladies winner was A Tomlinson ocb from runner up T Reid Pocock also ocb 37 pts.  The rundown went to C Perrem 37 pts, J Pfingst, G Parker & M Gnech 36 pts, J Nolan, C Jorgensen & J Sanderson 35 pts and B Shaw, W Martin, R Higgs & D Marshall 34 pts.   Pin shots were received by B Shaw & J Pfingst on 4/13, P Rabbitt & V Bird received 8/17 while P Rogers & T Reid Pocock received 9/18.    This week will be sponsored by Tony Holland Funerals playing a single stableford competition.  Next week will be sponsored by Drummond Golf West Burleigh playing a single stroke competition.


This week we have a large Social Club, using all the buggies, followed by a small social club in the afternoon also using all the buggies. Social Play will be available in the afternoon for walkers only or if you have your own buggy. 

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