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Lou Vandenbrink and Peter Eggenhuizen showing off their trophies
Runner Up in the Junior Division Joey Worley with Mike Gnech
Junior winner Aiden Browning accepting his trophy from Mike Gnech
Club Champion Jeff Browning with son Aiden who won the Junior Champion
B Grade winner Warren Lutter with runner up Rob Cuneo and Peter Eggenhuizen who won the best net trophy
Club Champion Anne Brown receiving her trophy from Captain Jan Baulch
C. Grade winner Lou Vandenbrink with runner up Michael Hutchinson
Tim Farmer & Simon Fahey winning the net division for A. Grade
D. Grade winner Neil Dieckmann with runner up Steve Hughes
Saturday’s winner Ryan Webster with runner up Brad Freiberg and sponsor for the day Mike Gnech
Saturday’s winner Ryan Webster with runner up Brad Freiberg and sponsor for the day Mike Gnech
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