Golf Notes 8/6/20 – 14/6/20

Monday/Tuesday:   We played a stableford competition. The winner was B May ocb from runner up K Kirgis with 35 pts.


Ladies:   Last Wednesday we played for Lesley Rhodes trophy and this was won by Jo McAntee with 36 points closely followed by Jan Baulch with 35 points. Other scores were Kris Cook 33, Linda Hooke 32, Nicki Mulligan 31, Ellen Meagher 29, Marg Kuhnemann 28, Jan Edwards and Vicki Bird 27, Anne Brown 18, The pins on 4/13 and 8/17 were won by Ellen Meagher and Jan Baulch and Anne won the accuracy shot. Sonia Reid and Anna Tomlinson played their first round of the Beryl Drady match play. This match was all square after eighteen holes so started again on first hole still square went to second hole and eventually was won by Sonia. Anyone could have won the match so congratulations to both girls. The ladies foursomes will be Sunday 28th so hope you all have partners. Good golfing everyone from birdie 

9 Hole Competition:    Wednesday a stableford competition was played, the winner was M Fitpatrick with 19 pts, runner up K Rhodes with 17 pts. Thursday/Friday The 18 hole comp was won by M Weber with 38 pts. The 9 hole stableford competition was won by M Hassan with 21 pts. Saturday Saturday we played a 2 ball Ambrose for the All Saints Open Day. The winners were W Maudsley & W Gnech with 62 net, runners up were J Gurner & B King with 63¾ followed by A Bennett & B Freiberg with 64 net. The ball run down went to B May & J Browning with 64½, P Gerhardt & M Schubring wit 65 net, H Perrem & S Etherden 65¼, K & C Wilson and J McGrath & J Handley and K Sawtell & S Bailey 65¾, The visitors winners were B Spall & S Larkin, runners up C Bichel & D Hauser64½ followed by T Pearce & J Busst with 69 net. The NAGA’s were K Cook & M Kuhnemann. No pin shots or pro pins due to the caronavirus. The Championships have now been tentively booked for October 24th, 25th, and the 31st with the final day being Saturday 7th November due to the school holidays. Mens & Ladies Foursomes are on the 28th June.

Sunday:  We have a Social Club teeing off at 7.30. You will be able to play amongst them. Remember to ring the club to make a booking as we have strict regulations of play in leiu of the caronavirus.