Monday Boonah Veterans
Last Monday Veterans were to play their end of year away game, unfortunately due to the wet weather it was cancelled and we were unable to help out either as our course was closed due to too much rain also.
Wednesday Sporters
Last Wednesday the sporters played their first round of championships playing a single stroke 1-9 event. Kalbar Real Estate sponsored the day and the winner was Mick McGarrity having 31 nett, the runner up was Fred Johnson having 35 nett following in the rundown were L Vandenbrink, R Cuneo, M Sim and A Stick each finishing up with 36 nett. Glen Sippel had the best gross on a count back of 39 as did Joe McGrath. The NTP on number 4 was received by J Handley, number 8 was received by W Maudsley and number 9 was received by J Browning. This week we play the final round of championships playing a single stroke 10-18 event for R & J Forsyth Trophy Day and the following week we play a single Stableford 1-9 + 16-18 event for Bob Browns Trophy Day.
Friendly Fridays
Tee off is 3.00pm, please arrive earlier to put your name in.
Last Saturday the Fassifern Guardian held a single Stableford event for their trophy day and monthly mug play-off for 2010. The winner for the day was Tom Currie with 42 points and the runner up was Gordon Balharry with 40 points. The run down was as follows Brad Hoskins with 39 points, Darren McLean and Jeff Browning with 38 points, Murray Simpson and Wayne Draheim both had 36 points. The winner of the Monthly Mug play off is Jeff Browning. The ladies winner was Kris Cook with 33 points and runner up was Dot Wall with 32 points. The NTP on 4/13 was received by John Handley, 8/17 was received by Michael Gnech and 9/18 was received by Gordon Balharry. Macquarie Motors Pro Pin is currently being held by Dot Wall at 3.49 meters. Glen Sippel and Peter Eggenhuizen played the final of the match play on Saturday. The winner for this year was Glen Sippel with 1 up after 18 holes. Congratulations to both players and I hope Glen enjoys his new bicycle. (Many thanks to Stu Fahey and Boonah Toys and more for the bicycle they donated.) This week we have closing day sponsored by Phil Ward and Fred Johnson playing a 2 Ball Ambrose. Timesheet are available! There will be no competition on Christmas Day.
Only two chookies again this Sunday so we will carry on into next week.
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