Golf Notes 6/4/20 – 12/4/20

Monday/Tuesday: We played a stableford competition. The winner was C Petrohilis with 37 pts, runner up K Turner with 36 pts.


Ladies: The winner of Di Vaughans trophy was Jan Baulch with 72 net. Close runner up was Vicki Bird 73, Nick Mulligan 74, Marg Kuhnemann and Ellen Meagher 75, Di Kuhnemann 78, Linda Hooke and Kris Cook 79, Maureen Maynard 80. The pin shot on 4/13 was a tie between Di Kuhnemann and Maureen Maynard and the pin on 8/17 was won by Anna Tomlinson. Jo McAntee won the putting. Ellen Meagher got the accuracy shot. Next week we are playing a stableford for Di Kuhnemanns trophy. Yes we are still playing and it is good to get out of the house and get some exercise. Good golfing everyone from Birdie.

9 Hole Competition:  B Davey was the winner of the 9 hole stroke competition with 31 net, runner up R Cuneo with 34 net ocb from B Lawrance. The run down went to N Hooke & K Kirgis.

Thursday/Friday:  The winner was H Perrem with 42 pts, runner up W Martin Jnr with 38 pts, followed by J Wilson with 35 pts.

Saturday:  Saturday we played a single strableford/monthly mug competition. The winner was D Ryan with 40 pts, runner up B Davey with39 pts, followed by J Gurney & K Milligan ocb from S Lutter, R Patrick, R Humphrey & R Philp all with 36 pts.. The run down continued with J Beasley,& H Perrem 35 pts, C Wilson & B Lawrance 34 pts, A Hertweck, W Maudsley & M Sullivan 33 pts andT AlchinG Philp & W Gnech 32 pts. The Ladies winner was A Brown with 38 pts, runner up J Wilson ocb from K Turner with 374 pts. The run down went M Kuhnemann 34 pts followed D Kuhnemann. E Meagher & D Wall 33 pts and J Baulch, J McAntee & K Cook with 32 pts.. No pin shots or pro pins due to the caronavirus. The timesheets have been altered to space the groups out by 8 minutes, in groups of 2 only. Only 1 person per cart. This week will be a stableford competition for a club trophy.

Sunday:   We have 18 hole and 9 hole comps running during the week and Sundays. Social play will be available. Please ring the club to make a booking as we have strict regulations of play in leiu of the caronavirus.