Golf Notes 5/11/18 – 11/11/18

Jan Baulch was the winner of Meryl Tress’s trophy last Wednesday with the very good score of 39 stableford points, on an extremely hot day. Welcome back to Linda Edwards who was our runner-up with 36 points and other scores were Marg Kuhnemann and Vicki Bird 35, Jenny Briant 34, Meryl Tress 33, Maureen Maynard 31, Kris Cook 30, Jo McAntee 29 and our Madam Golfer was Linda Hooke. Pin shot on 8/17 was Marg Kuhnemann and Maureen had a chip in again this week. This was also the last round of the Consistency Cup. Our AGM is Wednesday after play for Vicki Bird’s day and next week is our away day. We will be playing a 3 club event for our final day of the year and Christmas lunch will be Thursday 29th. Good golfing and may all your putts fall in!
Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by K Rhodes playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. The winner was W Wieland ocb from runner up M Hassan with 28 pts. The ball run down went to R Maudsley & W Hall 27 pts, G Searle 26 pts, followed by R Stinson, K Rhodes, C Perrem & B May 25 pts and D Webster & J McGrath 24 pts. Pin Shots were received by J Browning on 13 and A Stick received 17. The Dugie dice sponsored by the Dugandan Hotel was received by M Maudsley. This week will be sponsored by R Brooks & M Crowther playing a stroke & putting 1- 9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. Next week will be sponsored by Dover & Sons for the 1st round of the Championships.
Friendly Friday
Friendly Fridays had 19 players tee off playing a stableford front 9 competition. The winner was K Rhodes with 25 pts, runner up M Crowther with 24 pts followed by J Handley with 23 pts. The ball rundown went to A & B Brown 21 pts, B May 20 pts followed by G Henderson & T Alchin 19 pts and P Cooper & K Sawtell 18 pts. The pin shot was received by K Rhodes, while W Martin received the NAGA.
Saturday was sponsored by FIS Insurance playing a 4 Ball Ambrose competition. The winners were C & K Wilson, P Rabbitt & B Johnson with 53¼, runners up were W Maudsley, W Gnech, B King & F Johnson with 55&5/8, followed by J Pfingst, D Gittins, R Patrick & W Bird 56&3/8, G & A Parker, B Freiberg & A Bennett 56&5/8, and S Francis, Z Eviston, P Gerhardt & R Stinson 58 net. The sponsor winners were L Bailey, C Jorgensen, C Costin & J Basset 60 net, runners up T Stanford, K Noe, M WennerBom & M Campbell 63 net, followed by J Dover, P Campbell, C Rodham & S Currie 66¼, D Miles, S & M Bennet & A Panuccio 67¾. The rundown went to P King, J McGrath, J Handley & W Harrison 58¼, T Alchin, K Rhodes, B May & R Brooks 59 net, followed by J Yates, J McAntee, M Schubring & S Bailey 59¼, C Perrem, K Sawtell, J Shine & K Eugarde 59½, and J Browning, T Britton, R Fitzgerald & R Lovell 59¾. Pin Shots were received by F Johnson on 1/10, R Lovell received 2/11, W Harrison received 3/12, K Noe & L Humphrey received 4/13, G Parker received 5/14, W Harrison received 6/15 while S Francis received 7/16, T Alchin & L Humphrey received 8/17 and P Gerhardt received 9/18. The pro pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf and currently by D Forsyth with 74 cm. The pro pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery is currently held by R Humphrey with 2.62 m. The Accurate Drive was received by J Shine. This week will be sponsored by Boonah Tyre Power playing a stableford/monthly mug competition. Next week will be the Fassifern Old Boys Rugby League Open Day with 7.30 & 12.30 shot gun starts. Timesheets are out now.
Sunday we played the Road to the PGA competition. This was won by N Toohey with 42 pts, runner up T Alchin with 40 pts. Pinshots were received by T Alchin & J McAntee on 4/13 while J Worley received 8/17. The afternoon competition for the sponsors was won by I & J Browning, runners up T Moller & G Saunders followed by S Bailey & B Perrem. Pinshots were received by G Maynard & D Wall on 4/13. No social club this week so you can tee off whenever you want though the club house will be open at 7 am if requiring a buggy. Ring the club to make a booking or for further details.