Golf Notes 5/10/2015-11/10/2015


Wednesday was sponsored by S Buchholz playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6.  The winner was G Sorensen with 28 pts ocb from runner up B Hutchinson.  The run down went to W Maudsley & B May 26 pts followed by R Cuneo, B Davey & N Hooke with 24 pts.   Pin shots were received by B Davey on both 13 & 17, while W Martin received 18.    The Dugandan Dice is sponsored by Dugandan Hotel.  This week will be sponsored by Boonah Jewellery & Gifts playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15.  Next week will be the Annual Pub Day so get your team together.  This will be a stableford 10-18, playing 9 holes only.

Friendly Fridays’

Friendly Fridays’ had 20 golfers tee off playing a stableford front 9.  The winner was R Brooks with 23 pts, runner up A Heit with 22 pts followed by K Reinholdsson 21 pts.  The pin shot was received S Fahey.  Summer times have now kicked so we will be teeing off at 3 pm.  Be there at 2.45 to have your name down.


Saturday’s competition was sponsored by The Boonah Vets playing a stableford/monthly mug competition.  The winner & monthly mug winner was J Comp with 43 pts, runner up ocb was M Gnech from T  Alchin with 39 pts.  The run down went to B Davey & D Yeates 38 pts, R Brooks, G Parker & C Perrem 37 pts followed by M Sim, V Riley, N Toohey, M McGarrity, J Handley & A Heit with 36 pts.  Pin shots were received by J Buganey on 3/12. G ABalharry & D Wall on 4/13, P King & J Edwards received 8/17, while T Alchin received 9/18. The ladies winner was A Brown with 32 pts, runner up L Hooke 31 pts ocb.  The Pro Pin on no 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf and currently held by G Balharry with 1.79 m.  Sugarloaf Bakery Pro Pin on 17 is currently held by P King with 4.17.  The Money Pin was received by W Gnech. This week will be sponsored by the Forsyth Family as we play the K & L Forsyth Memorial.  Next week will be sponsored by Netbase Solutions playing a 4BBB stableford competition.


We have a small Social club teeing off at 7 am.  Ring the club for further details. Challenge Pennants played at Sandy Gallop on Sunday and went down 4 to 1 against Toogoolawah.