Monday Boonah Veterans
Last Monday the Veterans played a Stableford competition. The winner was T. Lynch with 40pts, runner up E. Newlove with 36pts on a count back from P. Sheffield and R. Parnell also with 36pts. The rundown continued with A. Featherstone with 34pts while C. Shannon had 33pts. The nearest the pin on 4/13 was received by T. Lynch, 8/17 was received by R. Parnell while the ladies on 8/17 was received by K. Cook. The encouragement award went to R. Clare.
Wednesday Sporters
Last Wednesday was Boonah Mitre 10 Hardwares’ Trophy, playing a stableford event on 10-18 + 7-9, with the winner being D. Webster with 28pts on a count back from W. Hall who became the runner up. The run down went to A. Featherstone, T. Ricko, M. McGarrity, M. Crowther, R. Cuneo, G. Parker followed by D. Yeates and R. Scells.
The NTP on 4 was received by R. Cuneo, 8/17 was received by L. Roberts and 9/18 was received by R. Cuneo. This week will be Kalbar Real Estate playing a 2 Ball Ambrose 1-9 + 16-18. Next week will be Phil Wards Trophy playing a 4BBB Stableford on 10-18 + 7-9.
Friendly Fridays
Last Friday 12 players played a Stableford 10-18 event. The winner was V. Riley with 26 pts, runner up was S. Mudde with 24pts. The run down went to R. Clare and M. Crowther with 23 pts followed by J. Pearce 20 pts, and Simon Fahey and T. Lynch both with 19 pts. Starting time is 3pm, look forward to seeing you all then!
Last Saturday was a Monthly Medal sponsored by J. Handley, J. McGrath & P. King. The winner of the medal was T. Moller with 65 net. The sponsors gave prizes to A B C Grade & the Ladies. The A grade was won by T. Moller with 65 net while the runner up was T. Lynch with 66 net. The B Grade winner was S. Francis with 67 net while the runner up was J. Comp with 68 net. C Grade winner was R. McGrath with 66 net, the runner up being V. Riley with 70 net on a count back. The ball rundown went to A. Featherstone and I. Kemp with 69 net, M. Christensen, T. Weatherhead and T. Donmjahn, B. May and Simon Fahey with 70 net, B. Bennett and G. Knox, W. Draheim, P. Ledlie, J. Buganey, and D. Mortimer with 71net, followed by P. King, J. McGrath and B. Philp all with 72 net. The Ladies winner with 68 net was Anne Brown, runner up was L Humphrey on a count back from Gillian Buganey both with 71 net, followed by K. Turner with74 net.
The ntp’s were received by Simon Fahey on 4/13 while the ladies was received by K. Turner, 8/17 was received by B. Philp and 9/18 was received by A. Bennett. Nobody put their name down on the Pro Pin sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery. This week is the Emergency Services Open Day, I am sure there will be lots of prizes on offer, still plenty of room on the timesheet if you want a game. Next week is a Single Stroke competition sponsored by BP Boonah. Timesheets are out now.
The Chookies winners the fortnight are M. Murray and C. Bell both with 20 pts, and the run down went to B. Freiberg with 19 pts and G. Grimsey with 18 pts . This week the Chookies can tee off before 7.
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