Boonah Vets travelled to Beaudesert Vets Open Day last Monday with about 120 golfers competing. Best of the Boonah players were Les Blunt (35pts) and Graeme Hunt (33pts) who both got a ball in the rundown. Graeme also picked up a pin shot. Next week (June 14) will be a stroke event. Boonah’s Scenic Rim district day will be on June 28 with a single stableford.
Wednesday the ladies played a single stroke/monthly medal competition, sponsored by Glens Diner. The winner was A Tomlinson with 72 net, runner up H Roebig with 74 net. This week will be a stableford competition, for Lesley Rhodes trophy. This will be round 4 of the Consistency Cup. The Beryl Drady Match play has now started. Next week will be the Audrey Morris Memorial sponsored by J Newlove, playing a stableford competition
This week the Sporters was sponsored by J McGrath playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. The winner was M Hassan with 31 pts, runner up M O’Reilly with 26 pts cob from L Vandenbrink. The ball run down continued with R Cuneo & G Lutter 25 pts and B Lawrance 24 pts. Pin shots went to L Blunt on 13, R Cuneo received 17 while B Beasley received 18. The Dugandan Dice winner was R Cuneo in a toss off. This week will be sponsored by S Fahey playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. Next week will be sponsored by R Scells on behalf of the Kalbar Community Bank playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.
Saturday we played a single stroke/monthly medal competition, sponsored by Boonah Jewellery & Gifts. The winner R Anderson with 69 net, runner up M O’Reilly ocb from M Hassan with 72 net. The ladies winner was Z Eviston with 73 net, runner up S Reid with 74 net. The ball run continued with A Lutter & A Parker 73 net, G Parker & G Philp 74 net, J Pfingst 75 net, followed by C Farnan, K Milligan & L Blunt 76 net and B Lawrance, P King, R Humphrey, W Brantjes, K Sawtell, D Forsyth, M Dickson & G Lutter with 77 net. Pin shots were received by W Maudsley on 4/13 & 8/17, J Wilson the ladies on 8/17 while K Milligan received 9/18. P Leath received the Accurate Drive. This week will be a 2 ball ambrose competition for the All Saints Open Day. Next week will be a 4BBB stableford for a club trophy.
This week we have a social club teeing off at 8 am using all the buggies. Social play will be available after they have completed their round. Ring the club to make a booking or for any further details.