Golf Notes 29/5/2017-4/6/2017


Only a small field played for Shelaegh Zimmer’s trophy last Wednesday and our thanks go to her for sponsoring the day even tho she is not playing any more.  Winner was the ever consistent Ellen Meagher with 33 points.  Ellen’s handicap is coming down!! Runner-up was Vicki Bird so it is good to see new golfers in the winners list.  Jan Baulch and Jan Edwards both had 28 points, Margaret Kuhnemann 24 and Meryl Tress and Lesley Rhodes also played.  Jan Edwards won the pin shot on 4/13. The last Sunday in June is the foursomes championship played over 27 holes.  Dot Wall and Jan Edwards are defending champions.  Today is monthly medal, WGQ Brooch and International Bowl sponsored by Clive’s Bakehouse.  The support from local businesses is much appreciated.  Next week Gillian Buganey is our sponsor.  Good golfing and may all your putts drop in.


Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by J McGrath playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6.   The winner was M Crowther with 26 pts, runner up A Stick 25 pts.  The run down went to G Parker & N Hooke with 24 pts.   Pin shots were received by G Lutter on 13, M Crowther received 17, while G Pareker received 18.  The Dugandan Dice sponsored by the Dugandan Hotel was received by R Fitzgerald.  This week will be sponsored sponsored by GJ Gardner Homes playing a stroke 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15.   Next week will be sponsored by Kalbar Community Bank playing a 4BBB stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.

Friendly Friday

Friendly Fridays had 18 players tee off playing a stableford front 9 competition.   The winner was M Hassan with 24 pts, runner up W Maudsley 22 pts.  The run down went to R Fitzgerald 21 pts, P Cooper & P Rabbitt 20 pts, followed by V Riley, J McAntee, M Crowther, R Eacott & M Weber 19 pts.  The Pin shot was received by K Sawtell, while J Wright received the NAGA.


Saturday we played the Cap Bruckner Memorial sponsored by his family.  The winner was G Ball with 40 pts, runner up G Tomlin 38 pts. The run down went to K Wilson & S O’Connell 37 pts, N Toohey 36 pts, J Gillett, T Weatherhead & R Eacott 35 pts, J McGrath 33 pts, followed by M O’Reilly, M Hassan & J McAntee 32 pts and G Lutter, D Forsyth, T Grimshaw, P Dadds, B Gotke, C Wilson, M Surawski, G Philp & R Maudsley 31 pts.  The ladies winner was K Cook with 39 pts, runner up A Brown 36 pts.     Pin shots were received by T Grimshaw & A Brown on 4/13, G Tomlin & J McAntee received 8/17 while R Humphrey received 9/18.  The Pro Pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf.  The Pro Pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery.  The Money Pin was received by G Philp.   


We have a social club teeing off at 8am.   You will have to wait until they are finished if wanting a game & buggy.  Ring the club for further details.