Golf Notes 27/2/12 – 4/3/12


Last Monday the Veterans played a Stableford event. The winner was M. McGarrity with 34 pts, runner up was T. Richardson with 33 pts. The rundown went to A. Featherstone, K. Cook, B. Brown, B. Jones, A. Brown, M. Maynard and R. Clare. The ntp’s were received by A. Brown on 4/13, M. McGarrity on 8/17 & A. Brown received the ladies. The Encouragement Award went to G. Henderson.

Wednesday Sporters

Last Wednesday the Sporters played an 18 hole competition sponsored by Far Outdoors. The winner with 42 net was J. Browning, runner up G. Searle with 42 net. The next best were M. McGarrity 42&2/3rd, B. Davey 44&1/3rd, B. Brown 45net, W. Maudsley, 45&1/3rd, S. Fahey and P. Ward both with 45&2/3rd, D. Forsyth 46&2/3rd, followed by E. Newlove, H. Gwynne and L. Vandenbrink all with 47 net. The ntp’s were received by D. Forsyth on 4, M. McGarrity 8/17 while G. Sippel received 9/18. The best Gross was won by J. Browning with 46. This week is a stableford event playing 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 sponsored by M. McGarrity. Next week will be John Potters trophy playing a Stroke 1-9 + 16-18.

 Friendly Fridays

We we had 12 players playing a Stableford competition for Friendly Friday. The winner with 21 pts was Gary Sorensen, runner up was Simon Fahey with 19 pts, followed Mark Crowther also with 19 pts and Vern Wilson with 18 pts. Tee Off time is still 3 pm see you all then.


Pictured are Warren Maudsley winner on Saturday with Brad Freiberg, both had 71 off the stick. Brads handicap now 0, while Warren is 1.6.

Last Saturday was sponsored by R. W. Ramsey playing a single stroke Monthly Medal. The winner and Medal Winner with 69 net was Warren Maudsley, runner up on a countback was D. Forsyth from B. Freiberg, A. Browning, N. Toohey and G. Balharry all with 70 net. The next best were J. Handley, R. Eacott and R. Humphrey all with 72 net, followed by J. Browning, G. Kitchen, P. Dadds, M. Grayson, R. Cuneo and N. Dieckmann all with 74 net. The ladies winner was D. Wall 75 net, runner up K. Cook 78 net. Ramseys’ also sponsored pin shots on all holes received by 1/10 J. McGrath, 2/11 T. Lynch, 3/12 J. Bonk, 4/13 W. Lutter ladies D. Wall, 5/14 A. Bennett, 6/15 G. Balharry, 7/16 J. Browning, 8/17 G. Parker ladies D. Wall and 9/18 G. Sippel. The best Gross for the day was B. Freiberg on a count back from W. Maudsley both had 71 off the stick. This week is the Greenkeepers Day followed by The Girls Trophy. Timesheets are our now.


There wasn’t any Chookies again on Sunday so it will be held over until next week. This week the Chookies can tee off before 7.

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