Golf Notes 27/09/2012 -2/09/2012


Monday the Veterans held their Open Day playing a Stableford competition. The Overall winner was M. Maynard with 41 pts.  The Mens winner with 36 pts was J. Arthur on a count back from runner up D. Mitchell. The rundown went to R. Sandburg and P. Sheffield also with 36 pts, next best were N. Casey, B. Hall, V. Wilson and R. Harriman with 35 pts, followed by R. Parnell, R. Brooks, T. Zagami, A. Featherstone, T. Lynch and M. Tynan all with 35 pts.  The Ladies runner up was N. Zagami 35 pts, the rundown went to M. Colley and P. Mitchell with 30 pts followed by C. Van Daarlan 27 pts and R. Featherstone 24 pts. The Mens Best Front 9 went to P. Sheffield, back 9 N. Casey.  M. Maynard won the best front and back 9 for the ladies.  Nearest the pins for the men were received by K. Chivers 4/13, 8/17 was received by A. Featherstone while the ladies went to C. Van Daarlan 4/13 and N. Zagami received 8/17.  The Mystery Drive was received by S. Rowley.

Wednesday Sporters

Last week the sporters played for Don Websters’ trophy playing a Stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6. The winner was M. McGarrity with 26 pts, runner up was J. Fahey with 33 pts.  Next best was G. Searle 25 pts, followed by R. Brooks & G. Parker 24 pts.  Nearest the pins were received by D. Webster on 13, J. Fahey received 17, while 18 was received by A. Skinner.  Wednesday will be sponsored by Sel Pfeffer playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15.  Next Wednesday will be a 4BBB Stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 sponsored by Scott Bennet.

Friendly Fridays

We had 9 players on Friday with the winner being M. Crowther with 25 pts, runner up was A. Featherstone 20 pts, followed by V. Wilson 16 pts.  Second Shot on 17 was received by A. Featherstone.  Tee off time is now 2.30.  For a good afternoon, come along to Friendly Fridays.  All welcome $2 a game for members.


Brad Freiberg and Peter Eggenhuizen winner & runner up on Saturday

Saturday we played a Monthly Medal sponsored by Aratula B P.  The winner with 66 net was P. Eggenhuizen, runner up B. Freiberg on a count back from Simon Fahey 68 net.  Brad had 69 off the stick (good golfing Brad). The next best was C. Shannon 69 net, followed by A. Featherstone & V. Riley 70 net, J. Comp & A. Gill 71 net and R. Philp & G. Parker 72 net.   Pin shots were received by A. Gill 4/13, the ladies was received by K. Draheim, G. Eviston received 8/17 and J. Comp received 9/18.  The pro pin sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery is currently held by A. Skinner.  Saturday will be sponsored by M & G. Maynard playing a 4 Ball Ambrose.  The timesheet is almost full for the afternoon.  The following Saturday is Boonah Rotary Club Open Day.  Timesheets are out now.


No results for Sunday. This week we have a Social Club of 40 players teeing off at 1pm.  This is a Shot Gun Start,  anyone wanting a game can play in the morning or after 3 pm (hopefully they should be finished by then).

Fore Par.