Golf Notes 27/7/20 – 2/8/20

Veterans:   Monday the Veterans played a stroke competition, for the 1st round of their championships. The winner was K Cook with 75 net, runner up E Meagher with 77 net. The run down went to N Casey, M Maynard, D Dann & G Philp with 78 net, G Hunt & G Sharpe 79 net, followed by M Gray 80 net and G Parker & D Beazley 81 net. Pin shots went to D Forsyth & N Casey while K Cook & M Maynard received the ladies. The Encouragement Award went to M Fitzpatrick, while the Membership Draw jackpotted. The best gross for the day was D Dann with 86 off the stick. Tomorrow is the 2nd round of the Championships. Next week will be a 4BBB stableford against the Ipswich Vets. The Veterans Open Day will be held on the Monday 24th August.

Ladies:  Bernice Dover won the bogey competition for the Hawks transport trophy. The runner up was Di Kuhnemann on a count back from Jo McAntee. Jo and Kris Cook won a ball in the rundown. The nearest the pins were won by Ellen Meagher on 4/13 and Jo McAntee on 8/17. Anne Brown won the accuracy drive. Events coming up are the two rounds of the Darvall Cup in 8th and 9th. Wednesday is the Annette Geiger Memorial, Saturday 15th is the Lex and Kath Forsyth Memorial, Wednesday 19 stableford for Larraine Gurnetts trophy and the 6th round of the consistency cup and Wednesday 26 is a stableford for Kris Cooks trophy. Good Golfing everyone from Birdie.

Sporters:  Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by G Searle playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. The winner was G Hunt with 28 pts, runner up was B Davey with 27 pts followed by A Stick with 24 pts. Pin shots were received by A Lutter on 17 while W Wieland received 18. The Dugandan Dice winner was L Vandenbrink. This week will be sponsored M Gray & K Kirgis playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. Next week will be sponsored by David Woolgar for the Wally Woolgar Trophy.

Friendly Friday:  Friendly Fridays had 11 players tee off playing a stableford competition. The winner was D Webster with 18 pts, followed by K Kirgis ocb from B Lawrance with 17 pts. The pin shot was won by B Lawrance while S Bailey received the NAGA.

Saturday:   Saturday we played a stableford/monthly mug competition, kindly sponsored by R G & C Philp and M Gnech. The A Grade winner was K Wilson with 35 pts, runner up G Parker with 34 pts ocb. B Grade winner was R Eacott with 37 pts, runner up B Davey with 36 pts. C Grade winner was C Shannon ocb from runner up B Sampson with 36 pts. The Ladies winner was J Wilson with 43 pts, runner up K Cook with 35 pts. The Monthly Mug was won by G Philp ocb with 37 pts. The ball run down went to S Francis & M Gnech 36 pts, G Martin 35 pts, R Cuneo, K Wilson, R Brooks, P Rabbitt, J McAntee, M Tress, J Pfingst & K Turner 34 pts followed by A Gill, W Martin Jnr, C Perrem, A Lutter, T Richardson & S McKenzie with 33 pts. Pin Shots were received by J McAntee & R Maudsley on 4/13, S McKenzie & B King received 8/17 while P Gerhardt received 9/18. The Pro Pin on 4, sponsored by Drummond Golf is currently held by P Dadds with 2.76m. The Pro Pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and currently held by B King with 1.78m. The Accurate Drive was received by R Patrick. This week – end will be The Darvall Cup sponsored by the Darvall Family. Next week will be the K & L Forsyth Memorial sponsored by the Forsyth families.

Sunday:   Sunday was the Mixed Foursomes Championships. The winners were J Browning & J McAntee with 122, runners up were K Wilson & M Kuhnemann with 131. The net winners were P Leath & J Baulch with 105¾, runners up were G & M Maynard with 107. The Ball run down went to B Lawrance & A Tomlinson 107¾, B Brown & S McKenzie 108½, R Worley & J Edwards 109, S Fahey & Z Eviston 112¾, followed by J Gurney & K Turner 114 and V Bird & I Browning 115. Congratulations to all the winners and all who participated.   No Social clubs this week however we are playing the 2nd round of the Darvall Cup. Social Play will be available after 12.30. Please ring the club to make a booking as we have strict regulations of play in leiu of the caronavirus.