Monday Boonah Veterans
Due to the Easter Break there were no Veterans.
Wednesday Sporters
Last week we played a Stroke event for Hal Gwynne trophy, the winner was Wayne Wieland with 32 net, runner up was Geoff Parker with 33 net on a counback from Merv Matthews and Les Roberts also with 33 net. Nearest the pins 4, 8 & 9 were won by Geoff Parker, and the best gross with 36 was Geoff Parker also. This week we will play a a 2 ball Ambrose event for J R Plant Hire (A Lutter) 10/18 + 7/9 and next week is Elwyn Newlove and Murray O’Rielly trophy playing a single stroke event.
Friendly Fridays
The Friday club played a single stroke 1-9 event and the winner for the afternoon was Syb Mudde having a count back of 35 nett and the runner up was Terry Lynch also having 35 nett followed by R Brooks and M Crowther each having 38 nett.Tee off time is 2.30pm.

Saturday we played a single stroke event for the Anzac Day Cup which the Koorablyn Boys (Ian, Peter, Gary Tim) sponsored. The Cup for the Best Gross went to Ian Kemp. The winner in A Grade was Noel Toohey 68 net and the runner up was Gordon Balharry 69 net on a countback. B Grade winner was Aiden Browning with 68 net and the runner up was Richard Eacott 70 net. C Grade winner was Max Surawski with 66 net and the runner up was Lou Vandenbrink with 69 net. The ball run down went to Joey Worley 69 net, followed by Rob Cuneo, Ian Kemp, T. Hutchison, John Potter, Brad Hoskin, Murray Simpson and Bob Philp all having 70 net, then with 71 net we had Joe McGrath and Tony Richardson and on 72 net we had Edward Andrew, John Shine and Dick Forsyth. The ladies winner was Gillian Buganey with 74 net, runner up was Kris Cook with 77 net. The NTP were: 1/10 Joe McGrath, 2/11 John Bonk, 3/12 Joey Worley (eagle), 4/13 was received by Max Surawski and the ladies went to Robyn Vines, 5/14 Peter Eggenhuizen (eagle), 6/15 Gordon Balharry, 7/16 Geoff Parker. 8/17 was received by Jeff Browning and 9/18 was received by Brad Hoskin. This week is Cap Bruckner’s Memorial Day with mens A, B and C Grade and Ladies winner, and the next week is the Lion Open Day, monthly mug event. See you all then!
Chookies may tee off either before 7am or after 7.30am, welcome Rathdowney Social Club and Happy Mothers Day.
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