Golf Notes 25/3/19 – 31/3/19

Veterans: The Veterans played a single stableford competition. The winner was P Moran with 36 pts, runner up I Henry 35 pts ocb. The ball run down went to K Rhodes 35 pts. E Meagher & W Bodetti 33 pts, followed by L Blunt, A Stick & J Crrichton 32 pts, J Sippel & K Kirgis 31 pts and W Hall, G Parker & K Cook 30 pts. Pin shots were received by R Fitzgerald on 4/13 while P Moran & J Sippel received 8/17. L Rhodes received by Encouragement Award while the members draw jackpotted. Tomorrow will be a single stroke competition. Monday the 8th will be a single stableford competition.


Ladies: A wet day so a small field for Lesley Rhodes trophy last Wednesday. Our winner was Ellen Meagher with 36 points with Di Kuhnemann runner-up on 34. Meryl Tress had 33, Jill Pfingst and Jan Baulch had 32, and Marg Kuhnemann 26. Thanks Lesley for your sponsorship. Pin shots went to Di and Ellen and once again Marg won the money line alias accurate drive. Wednesday we are sponsored by the Aussie Hotel for the monthly medal. Next week Di Vaughan, a past member and still a wonderful supporter of the golf club, will be the trophy donor. Our ‘GO GIRLS GOLFING CLINICS” are beginning on 28th April with Ann Wilson, a teaching professional, coming to Boonah to get women and juniors involved in the game. Phone the club for more information as this is funded by the Queensland Government Sport and Recreation. Good golfing and may all your putts fall in.

Sporters:  No Sporters last week due to the rain. This week will be sponsored by A Gill playing a stroke 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competiton. Next week will sponsored by Far Outdoors Boonah playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.

Friendly Friday:

Friendly Fridays had 19 players tee off playing a stroke competition for Big Money Day. The winner was P King with 32 net, runner up M Crowther 33 net followed by S Bailey 34 net ocb. The run down went to J McAntee & N Hooke 34 net, C Perrem & J Handley 35 net followed by B May, K Kirgis & L Hooke 36 net. The pin shots were received by J Handley & J McAntee while J Nunan received the NAGA. The best gross was received by P King with 39 off the stick.   

Saturday: Saturday we played the Brain Child 4 Ball Ambrose Open Day. The winners were A Moore, J Lye, D & A Carroll with 54 net, runners up were S Reid, S Edwards, T Reid-Pocock & C Richardson with 56¼, followed by K & C Wilson, P Rabbitt & B Johnson 58½. The rundown went to T Alchin, S Bailey, S O’Connell & M Schubring 56&5/8 and J Worley, J McQuilty, H Perrem & J Gillett 59½. The run down went to C, T & M Frohmuller & R Lovell 60 net, K Sawtell, C Perrem, B Gotke & K McQuilty 60&1/8, J McAntee, J Yates, W Bird & B Lawrance 60¼, S Francis, Z Eviston, S Taylor & J Brannelly 60&5/8, W Maudsley, W Gnech, J Gurney & F Johnson 61 net, followed by A & C Parker, R Higgs & W Matthews 61¼ and P King, R Maudsley, J McGrath & J Handley 62 net. The NAGA was received by J Pfingst, J Baulch, M Tress & J Briant. Pin Shots were received by E Wrigley & J Gurney on 4/13, J Browning & J Baulch received 8/17 while C Perrem received 9/18. The pro pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf, won by I Browning with 2.41m. The pro pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and won by R Patrick with 1.43m. This week will be sponsored by Oppy’s Fruit & Veg playing a single stroke/monthly medal competition. Next week will be a club trophy playing a stableford/monthly mug competition. Timesheets are out now.

Sunday:  The Chook run sponsored by Mechanics in Boonah this week was won by H Perrem with 19 pts. We have a small Social Club  teeing off this week, there maybe a couple of buggies available but ring the club to make a booking or for any further details.