Golf Notes 23/7/18 – 29/7/18

Laraine Gurnett is no longer a member at Boonah however she still donates a trophy to our ladies – It is always great to see Laraine back at Boonah for her day. Winner was Kris Cook with 35 points. Runner-up Jan Edwards on a countback from Ellen Meagher and Linda Edwards on 33, Then Jan Baulch 31, Jill Pfingst 28 Vicki Bird 25, Marg Kuhnemann 23 and Jo McAntee 21. Pin shots went to Ellen on 4/13 and Jo on 8/17. Thursday we are holding our Open Day and at the time of going to press we had a full field of 72 players with visitors from more than 7 clubs. Our mixed foursomes championships were held on Sunday over 27 holes and the results are in the golf notes. The Darvall Cup is coming up on the week-end of 18/19 August and this is an honour board event that began in 1935.
Good golfing ladies and may all your putts drop in.
Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by The Butcher Co playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. The winner was L Vandenbrink with 28 pts ocb from runner up J Potter. The ball run down went to M O’Reilly, B May, G Searle, D Forsyth, B Brown and W Hall with 24 pts. L Vandenbrink won pinshots on both 4 & 8 while W Hall received 9. The Dugie dice sponsored by the Dugandan Hotel was won by D Forsyth. This week will be sponsored by A Hertweck & G Searle playing a 4BBB stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. Next week will be sponsored by J Potter playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.
Friendly Friday
Friendly Fridays had 21 players tee off for a stroke front 9 competition, for Big Money Day. The winner was P Cooper with 29 net, runner up G Henderson 30 net followed by K Reinholdsson 32 net. The ball run down went to J Browning 33 net, K Kirgis, R Brooks & V Christensen 34 net, followed by J McAntee, N Hooke & B May 35 net and T Lynch & P King 36 net. The pin shots were received by V Christensen, J Handley & B May while M Hassan received the NAGA. J Browning had the best gross for the day with 36 off the stick. Friendly Fridays are now teeing off at 2.45.
Saturday we played the President v Captain competition sponsored by D Ryan & A Leary. The winner was G Ball with 43 pts, runner up A Gill 41 pts (this was a 70 off the stick). The ladies winner was J Pfingst 38 pts, runner up K Turner 37 pts. The rundown went to D Smith & B Philp 40 pts, A Featherstone, W Harrison, R Humphrey & R Patrick 39 pts, J Shine, P Gerhardt & G Lutter 38 pts, R Eacott, G Parker, J McGrath & B Gotke 37 pts followed by M O’Reilly, W Maudsley, K Cook, D Wall and S Francis 36 pts. Pin Shots were received by J McAntee & W Maudlsey on 4/13, J Pfingst & A Gill received 8/17 while J Lynch received 9/18. The pro pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf and won by C Perrem with 2.56m. The pro pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and was won by A Gill with 64 cm. The Captains team was again victorious. This week will be sponsored by B, C & G Philp & M Gnech playing a stableford/monthly mug competition. Next week will be sponsored by Drummond Golf playing a 4BBB stableford competition. Timesheets are out now.
We played the Mixed Foursomes with W Gnech & A Brown and J Worley & L Edwards both having 121 off the stick. After a 3 hole sudden death play off Wayne & Anne became the victors with Joey & Linda runners up. The net went the other way with Joey & Linda victors with 100¾, while Wayne & Anne had 109 net. The run down went to J Baulch & B Brown 109¼, K Wilson & M Kuhnemann 109¾, followed by I Browning & K Cook and B Beasley & D Wall 110½ and B Freiberg & K Turner 110¾. This Sunday we have the MDGA Championships playing so no social play will be available until 2 pm. Ring the club for further details.