Golf Notes 21/5/18 – 27/5/18

The new Champion for the girls is Jo McAntee and runner-up was past champion Anne Brown. Our B Grade champion is Jan Baulch who is also a previous title holder. Runner-up was Di Kuhnemann. Our Patron Jan B presented Linda Hooke with the Dulcie Ebenston Trophy which was the best nett over the 4 rounds and Jan was runner-up. Saturday was the 3rd round of the club championships and our Vice-President Kris Cook was the trophy donor – wonderful cacti gardens in a bowl. Just beautiful Kris. Jo McAntee posted a great round of 80/nett 72 to win the day then Dot Wall defeated Jan Edwards on the countback Dot and Jan each received a “garden” and unfortunately Linda Hooke was 3rd countback. Jo won both pin shots and balls down the line went to 79. Sunday was President Maureen Maynard’s sponsored day and this was won by Di Kuhnemann with a nett 68 and runner-up Linda Hooke. Pin shots went to Kayleen and Jo. Ball run down for Sunday went to 78. Thanks to all the girls who took part in the 4 rounds of our championship.

Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by Boonah Tyre Service playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. The winner was J Browning with 29 pts, runner up R Fitzgerald 27 pts ocb from A Stick. The rundown continued with W Hall, G Parker 26 pts, followed by B Brown 25 pts and K Kirgis 24 pts. Pinshots were received by B King on 13, R Stinson received 17 while R Wilkie received 18. The Dugie dice winner was B Brown. This week will be sponsored by G Lutter playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. Next week will be sponsored by J McGrath playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6.

Friendly Friday
We had 12 players tee off playing a stroke front 9 competition for Big Money Day. The winner was P King with 34 net, runner up S Fahey 36 net followed by P Cooper ocb from M Hassan with 37 net and V Christensen 38 net. The pinshots were received by L Hooke, R Brooks and W Martin while B Hamilton received the NAGA. The best gross for the day went to S Fahey with 41 ocb. Friendly Fridays will now be teeing off at 2.30.

Saturday we played the 3rd round of the Championships sponsored by R Fitzgerald. The winner was J Gillett with 65 net, runner up P Manitta with 69 net ocb from J Browning & R Philp. The ball run down continued with R Eacott, P Cooper, R Patrick & W Hall 70 net, followed by D Forsyth & A Stick 71 net, P McNiver, B Freiberg, S Fahey, W Martin G Ball & D Ryan 72 net and C Perrem, B Beasley, C Wilson & B Perrem 73 net. Pin Shots were received by G Philp & J McAntee on 4/13, R Patrick & J McAntee received 8/17 while C Perrem received 9/18. The pro pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf and currently held by G Maynard with 2.3m. The pro pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and currently held by B Gotke with 2.3m. The money pins was received by B Gotke and K Sawtell. This week will be sponsored by Boonah Jewellery & Gifts playing a stableford competition. Next week will be All Saints Open Day with a 12 pm shot gun start. Timesheets are out now.

We played the final round of the Championships. The winner was B Brown with 70 net, runner up J Browning 71 net ocb from G Parker. The rundown went to J Worley 72 net, B Freiberg 73 net, R Brooks, V Christensen, R Patrick, A Stick, P Manitta & M Gnech 74 net followed by S Fahey 75 net, D Ryan 76 net, W Hall & K Wilson 77 net, G Philp, P McNiven & D Forsyth 78 net and W Jackson 79 net. The ladies winner was D Kuhnemann 68 net, runner up L Hooke 69 net. Pin Shots were received by B Beasley & K Turner on 4/13, J McAntee received 8/17 while B Beasley received 9/18. The Money Pins were received by K Wilson & M Schubring.
The results for the Championships are: Champions 2018 J Browning & J McAntee, runners up B Freiberg & A Brown. B Grade winners: G Parker & J Baulch, runners up V Christensen & D Kuhnemann. C Grade winner: W Martin, runner up R Brooks. D Grade winner: B Perrem, runner up R Patrick. The net winners were: A Grade: J Browning, runner up J Worley, B Grade net winner: G Parker, runners up V Christensen & P Manitta. C Grade net winner: W Martin, runner up A Stick. D Grade net winner: B Perrem, runner up R Patrick. The Junior winner was K Wilson, runner up I Browning. The Senior Winner is J Browning, runner up G Parker. The best net overall was received by J Browning & L Hooke. Congratulations to all winners and to all who took part in the 4 days of golf.