Golf Notes 21/2/11 – 27/2/11

Monday Boonah Veterans

Last Monday veterans played a single Stableford event and the winner for the day was Bryan Hall on a count back of 42 points and the runner up was Glen Sippel also having 42 points.  Following in the rundown were M McGarrity with 37 points, R Brooks and J Potter each had 34 points and completing the rundown on 33 points each were C Shannon, M Maynard, B Bennett and K Cook.  The NPT on 4/13 was received by G Sippel and the ladies NTP on 8/17 was received by A Brown, the mens NTP on 8/17 was received by L Brasington.  L Brasington also received the encouragement award for the day.  Congratulations!

Wednesday Sporters

Last week Sporters played a single Stableford 1-9 plus 16-18 event for Joe Dover’s trophy day.  The winner for the day was Don Webster having 27 points and the runner up on a count back was Wayne Hall with 26 points.  In the rundown were M O’Reilly with 26 points, M Roberts and A Hertweck with 25 poitns each, R Cuneo, M Matthews, J Browning and D Forsyth each had 24 points.  The NTP on number 4 was received by T Richardson, 8/17 was received by G Parker and 9/18 was received by J Browning.  This week we play a single stroke 10-18 event for John Maynard’s Trophy and the following week we play a single Stableford 1-9 + 16-18 event for Mick McGarrity’s Trophy Day.

Friendly Fridays

Last Friday afternoon 11 golfers played a single stroke 1-9 event.  The winner being L Brasington with 33 nett and the runner up was R Brooks with 34 nett followed by M McGarrity also with 34 nett, B Davey had 35 nett and A Featherstone and R Feathertone each had 36 nett.  Tee off time is for 3.00pm anyone is welcome to play, handicap or no handicap we will work something out, bring a friend along.  A Fun and Friendly afternoon.


Brad Freiberg, Arthur Hertweck and Aaron Gill

Last Saturday Boonah Real Estate held a single Stableford event for their trophy day.  The winner for the day was Brad Freiberg having a count back of 43 points and the runner up was Ross McGrath also with 43 points followed by P Ward and K Dover with 41 points, P King and S Fahey each had 39 points, T Richardson, D Forsyth, G Philp, J Stephenson, T Weatherhead, A Featherstone and G Kitchen each had 38 points, M O’Reilly, J Potter, G Sippel, A Gill, M Christensen and C Shannon each had 37 points and completing the mens rundown were D Mortimer and P Ledlie each with 36 points.  The ladies winner was Dot Wall with 38 points and the runner up was Karen Draheim with 37 points.  NTP’s  were placed on every hole, 1/10: A Gill, 2/11: A Smith, 3/12: J Harris, Ladies 4/13: D Wall, mens 4/13: J Stephenson, 5/14 B Freiberg, 6/15: J Hertweck, 7/16: W Draheim, 8/17: S Francis and 9/18: W Draheim.  R W Ramsey Day is this weekend, A,B, C grade and ladies winner, pinshots on every hole single Stableford monthly mug event and the following week is the Greenskeepers Golf Day is coming up also a golf day not to be missed.  Timesheets are available for all these events and more.  The monthly raffle winners were 1st prze golf bag A Gill, 2nd prize rescue club M O’Reilly, 3rd prize Dinner Voucher, 4th prize 6pack R Cuneo, 5th prize 6pack M Gnech, 6th prize 6 pack D Brasington and 7 prize 6 pack W Gnech.  Congratulations to all winners and a big thankyou to those that supported the raffle.


This Sunday chookies may tee off before 7.30am only.

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