The Veterans played a stroke competition. The winner was C Shannon with 79 net, runner up E Marshall 80 net ocb. The run down went to R Parnell 80 net & G Ball 81 net. Pinshots were received by E Marshall on 4/13 while P Cooper & L Hooke received 8/17. The Encouragement Award was received by P Cooper while the Membership Draw jackpotted.
The ladies played a stableford competition for S Zimmers’ trophy. The winner was M Tress with 31 pts, runner up J Baulch with 30 pts. Pin shots were received by A Brown on 4/13 while 8/17 was received by M Tress. Thanks to the Australian Hotel for their continued support. This Wednesday we will be a stableford competition for a club trophy. Next Wednesday will be amonthly medal stroke & putting competition. This will be the 4th round of WGQ Brooch & the 3rd round of International Bowl.
Wednesday was sponsored by Scenic Rim Pest Management playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15. The winner was J Gillett 28 pts, runner up R Brooks with 27 pts ocb. The run down went to S Fahey 27 pts & J McGrath 24 pts. Pin shots were received by D Forsyth on 4, G Searle received 8 while J Gillett received 9. The dice is sponsored by the Dugandan Hotel. This week will be sponsored Dr David Yeates playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6. Next week will be sponsored by BP Boonah playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15.
Friendly Fridays’
Friendly Fridays’ had 21 players tee off playing a stroke front 9 competition for Big Money Day. The winner was P Cooper with 31 net, runner up B May 33 net, followed by V Riley 35 net ocb. The run down went J Handley 35 net & W Martin 36 net. The best gross for the day went to B May with 40 off the stick. The pin shots were received by P King & A Stick. The Encouragement Award was received by D May. We are now teeing off at 2.30 so please be early to have your name down.
Saturday was a stableford competition sponsored by the Bartholomew Family as we played the Keith & Sheila Bartholomew Memorial. The winner with J Gillett with 38 pts, runner up M Surawski 37 pts, followed by M Simpson 36 pts. The run down went to V Christensen & K Sawtell 35 pts, M Weber 34 pts and M Gnech, B Brown, B Lawrance, J Shine, S Bailey & D Yeates 33 pts. The Ladies winner was A Brown 32 pts, runner up G Buganey 29 pts ocb. Pinshots were received by D Wall & M Schubring on 4/13, A Brown & T Alchin on 8/17 while P King received 9/18. The Pro Pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf and won by J Shine 1.06m. The Pro Pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and won by A Hertweck 2.05m. The Money Pin was received by J McGrath. This week will be sponsored by J Gillett, M O’Reilly & D Forsyth playing a single stroke/monthly medal competition. Next week will be sponsored by Dover & Sons as we play the Noel Dover Memorial. Timesheets are out now.
We played the Mens & Ladies Foursome Championships. The Mens winners were B Freiberg & A Bennett with 123, runner up A Heit & J Lynch 124. The net winners were S Francis & D Ryan 104&1/2, runners up B May & M Gnech 111&1/4. The run down went to J Buganey & S Mudde 111&3/4, M Dickson & I Browning 112&1/4 and A Heit & J Lynch 112&3/4. The Ladies winners were J Edwards & D Wall 145, runners up J Baulch & K Wharton 147. The net winners were G Buganey & M Tress 115&1/4, runners up J Baulch & K Wharton 117&3/4.
No Social Club this week end. Clubhouse will open at 8.30 if wanting a social round of golf. Ring the club for further details.