Golf Notes 2/9/24 – 8/9/24
Monday the Veterans had 41 players, play a 4BBB stableford competition. The winners were R Humphrey & B Brown with 49 pts, runners up were M Gray & R Holland with 48 pts ocb from A Swift & D Dann. The ball run down continued with C Siellaff & C Petrohilos 47 net, M Sullivan & S Buchholz 45 pts followed by L Blunt & G Philp 45 pts and K Rogers & N Zahnow, W Maudslay & M Gnech, D Wall & K Turner with 44 pts. Next week the Veterans will play a stableford competition.
Wednesday the Ladies had 8 players play a single stroke competition for a Monthly Medal competition. The winner was S Grace with 71 net, runner up was D Marshall with 72 net. The Pin Shots were received by D Marshall & S Grace. This week will be a stableford competition for the next round of the Consistency Cup, teeing off at 8 am. Next week will be the Ladies Open Day on Thursday playing a stableford.
The Sporters were sponsored by S Bennett from Boonah Business Supplies, playing as single stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. The winner was D Stanfield with 30 pts, runner up was G Parker with 28 pts ocb from B Brown. The run down continued with J More & J McGrath 27 pts, T Henderson 26 pts, followed by M Wyvill 25 pts and W Hall, W Wieland, P Schwarz, C Shannon, G Benstead, L Vandenbrink with 24 pts. Pin shots were received by P Schwarz on 4, G Benstead received 8 while T Henderson received 9. The Dugandan Dice winner was R Holland with 5 Aces in a toss off. This week will be sponsored by T & H Roebig from Vanberry Cottage playing a single stableford 10 – 18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. Next week will be sponsored by Boonah Eyecare playing a single stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.
Saturday, was sponsored by the Bendigo Community Bank Kalbar playing a single stroke/monthly medal competition. The Overall Winner was R Burnett with 66 net. The Mens winner was B May with 67 net, runner up was S Lutter 70 net followed by S Fahey with 71 net. The Ladies winner was V Bird ocb from runner up S Reid with 72 net, followed by N Stanfield ocb from N Mulligan with 73 net. The run down went to G Eviston, G Hunt, M Wyvill, J West, P Eggenhuizen & G Philp with 71 net, R Higgs, J Gurney & L Blunt 72 net, A Gill, & P Rogers 73 net, followed by K McQuilty, W Maudsley, C Wilson, D Bass & J McGrath 74 net, B Lynch & M Weber 75 net and B Shaw, W Gnech, B Beasley, A Hertweck & Z Eviston 76 net. Pin shots were received by S Reid & G Hunt on 4/13, C Gatehouse & J Wilson received 8/17 while P Eggenhuizen & N Stanfield received 9/18. This week will be sponsored by B & G Philp, D Wall & L Blunt playing a 4 ball Ambrose competition. Next week will be the Glen Sippel Memorial playing a single stableford/monthly mug competition.
B Grade pennants suffered another loss 4&3. Greg lost 5&4, Sam won 4&3, Scott won 4&3, Anthony lost 4&2, Craig won 2&1 while Jaffa lost 4 & 3.
We have a small Social Club this week using some of our buggies. Social play will be available. If wanting a buggy please ring the club to book or to make sure one is available to avoid disappointment.