Golf Notes 14/5/18 – 20/5/18

Thanks to the Aussie Hotel for sponsorship last Wednesday and the winner was Kaylene Turner. Good to see her out playing with the Wednesday girls. Linda Hooke was the runner-up and the other players were Jo McAntee, Jan Baulch, Marg and Di Kuhnemann Anne Brown and Juleen Sippel. Jo captured both pin shots and Linda, Jo and Kaylene all recorded “chip Ins”. The first 2 rounds of the championship were played on the week-end. Scores were A grade scores: Jo McAntee 82, 89 = 171; Anne Brown 87,85 = 172; Kayleen Turner 89,90 = 179; Alison Leary 91, 95 = 186; Dot Wall 97, 90 = 187;and Jill Pfingst 97, 91 = 188 . B Grade: ; Kris Cook 103, 93 = 196; Di Kuhnemann 96,104 = 200; Jan Baulch 98, 102 =200; Jan Edwards 101, 105 = 206; Zusana Eviston 105. 99 = 204; Linda Hooke 104, 109 = 213; It was the Captain Anne’s trophy day Saturday and the nett winner was Di Kuhnemann and runner-up Jo McAntee. Sunday was Vice Captain Jan Edwards’ trophy and the nett winner was Kris Cook nett 68 and runner-up on a countback was Zusana Eviston 74. Pin shots went to Kayleen and Dotti. Another 2 rounds of championship will be played this week-end and also the Vice President Kris Cook and President Maureen Maynard trophy days. Good golfing and may all your putts fall in.

Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by G Parker & L Blunt playing a stroke 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. The winner was R Stinson with 45 net, runner up M Maudsley 46 net. The rundown continued with J Gillett & R Wilkie 47 net, followed by R Forsyth & L Blunt 48 net and B Brown 49 net. The best gross for the day was L Blunt with 59 off the stick. Pinshots were received by M Maudsley on 4, M Schubring received 8 while D Forsyth received 9. This week will be sponsored by Boonah Tyre Service playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. Next week will be sponsored by G Lutter playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.

Friendly Friday
We had 17 players tee off playing a stableford back 9 competition. The winner was W Martin with 21 pts, runner up K Kirgis 18 pts followed by A Brown ocb from J Handley & V Christensen with 16 pts. The pinshot was received by S Riley while K Sawtell received the NAGA. Friendly Fridays will now be teeing off at 2.30.

Saturday we played the 1st round of the Championships sponsored by R Brooks. The winner was M Simmonds with 65 net, runner up W Martin with 66 net. The ball run down went to B Perrem 67 net, V Christensen 68 net, J Gillett 69 net followed by J Browning, C Moncada, A Bennett, S Francis, T Richardson & M Schubring 70 net G Parker, R Eacott, B Brown, A Stick 71 net and B Gotke 73 net. Pin Shots were received by G Maynard on 4/13, B Gotke received 8/17 while B Beasley received 9/18. The pro pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf and currently held by W Maudsley with 2.35m. The pro pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and currently held by B Gotke with 2.3m. The money pins was received by S Fahey and T Richardson. This weekend will be the 3rd & Final rounds of the Championships. Next week will be sponsored by Boonah Jewellery & Gifts playing a stableford competition. Timesheets are out now.

We played the 2nd round of the Championships. The winner was K Eugarde with 68 net, runner up J Browning 69 net. The rundown went to J Worley & B Perrem 70 net, R Burnett, V Christensen & S Francis 71 net, P McNiven & W Gnech 72 net, B Freiberg, D Forsyth, W Hall, G Parker, W Martin & R Brooks 73 net followed by B Beasley, S Fahey, D Mortimer, G Philp, I Browning, B King & M Schubring 74 net. Pin Shots were received by J Browning 4/13, 8/17 K Eugarde while B Beasley received 9/18.
The winner of the Chookies sponsored by Machanics in Boonah was B Gnech with 17 pts. This Sunday will be taken up with our Championships. Social play will be available after the last group has commenced their 10th hole. Ring the club for further details.