Golf Notes 14/12/2015-20/12/2015


Wednesday was sponsored by B Brown playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15.  The winner was S Oppermann with 27 pts ocb from runner up R Brooks.  The run down went to G Searle 26 pts, followed by D Forsyth, J Gillett & S Fahey with 25 pts.   Pin shots were received by R Cuneo on 4, A Skinner recieved 8 while G Eviston received 9. The Dugandan Dice is sponsored by the Dugandan Hotel.    Sporters will have a break now and will resume on 6th January.  This will be sponsored by B Davey playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15. The week after will be sponsored by J Maynard playing a stroke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6.   

Friendly Fridays’

Friendly Fridays’ had 27 golfers tee off playing a stroke front 9 competition.  The winner was S Oppermann with 30 net, runner up J Handley 32 net ocb from P King & A Heit.  The run down went to T Alchin 33 net, A Leary 34 net, followed by J Browning, W Martin & K Rhodes 35 net and I Browning, D Ryan, M Hassan & C Greet 36 net.  The best gross for the day was received by P King with 36 off the stick.  The pin shots were received by A Heit, T Alchin & J Handley while the NAGA went to P Cooper.    No Friendly Fridays now until the 8th January as the clubhouse will be closed for the Public Holidays.


Saturday’s competition was our Closing Day sponsored by P Ward, F & L Johnson playing a 2 person Ambrose competition.  The winners were D Mortimer & A Heit with 60.5 net, runners up were G Eviston & T Alchin 62  net. The rundown went to S Edwards & B Hummerick 63.5, C & B Perrem and W Maudsley & W Gnech 64 net, followed by J Browning & B May 64.25, C & K Wilson 64.5, S Bailey & S O’Connell 64.75, M & J Sim and F Johnson & Z Jenner 65.25, P King & J McGrath and R Cuneo & G Parker 65.5 and S Fahey & L Edwards, V Riley & T Britton and B Davey & J Lynch 66 net. Pin shots were received by T Alchin on 1/10 & 8/17, 2/11 was received by B Davey, 3/12 was received by G Eviston, J Buganey received 4/13, 5/14 was received by B May, 6/15 was received by S O’Connell, J Lynch received 7/16 while J Sim received 9/18.    The Pro Pin on no 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf and was won by A Heit with 1.69m. Sugarloaf Bakery sponsors the Pro Pin on 17 and was won by D Mortimer with 23 cm.  There will be a club trophy on Sunday 27th and the 2nd January.   Our Opening Day will be held on the 9th January sponsored by Drummond Golf.


There will be a competition on Sunday the 27th if there is enough interested in playing golf as the club house will be closed on Christmas Day & Boxing Day.   Ring the club for further details.