Golf Notes 13/5/19 – 19/5/19

Veterans: The Veterans had 31 players roll up to play a single stableford competition. The winner was T Russell with 37 pts, runner up W Martin with 36 pts ocb from W Cooper, G Philp & D Forsyth. The run continued with V Christensen 35 pts and W Burdetti, G Wellings & E Windolf 34 pts. M Maynard was the best of the ladies with 33 pts followed by M Kuhnemann 29 pts. The mens tee shot on 4/13 was received by L Blunt while D Forsyth received 8/17. The ladies tee shots on 8/17 & 9/18 were received by M Maynard. The Encouragement Award was received by K Cook while the Members Draw jackpotted. Next week will be a stableford competition.

Ladies: Twelve ladies played for Jenny Briant’s trophy last Wednesday. The winner on a countback was the ever consistent Jan Baulch with 32 stableford points. Next was Vicki Bird also with 32 then Meryl Tress 30, Jenny 29, Kris Cook 29, Di Kuhnemann 29 Ellen Meagher 27, Marg Kuhnemann 26, Jill Pfingst 25, and Juleen Sippel. Pin shots went to Jenny on 4/13 and Margie on 8/17 and Meryl was on the money line. First round of the championships was played on Saturday and this was also the Captain’s Trophy. Scores for the Captains trophy are as follows. Jill Pfingst 73 nett, Kris Cook 74, Di Kuhnemann, Kayleen Turner 76, Jan Baulch 76, Linda Edwards, Marg Kuhnemann Meryl Tress and Dot Wall 78, and other players were Anne Brown, Alison Leary, Maureen Maynard, Zuzana Eviston, Vicki Bird, Linda Hooke, Juleen Sippel, Jenny Briant. Pin shots went to Alison and Di and the ball run down went to Nett 78. Sunday was the Vice Captain’s Juleen’s trophy and this was won by Kaylene who had an excellent score of 69 net. Runner up was Meryl Tress with 73 and other scores were Di Kuhnemann 74 and Jill Pfingst 74, Marg Kuhnemann 75 , Alison Leary 76, Kris Cook 76 which is where the ball run down went to. Pin shots went to Linda E and Linda H. Leading scores in the championships after 2 rounds are as follows:- A Grade Gross Kayleen Turner 173, Jill Pfingst 182. B Grade Gross Di Kuhnemann 188 followed by Linda Edwardds 193, C Grade Gross Juleen Sippel 230 followed by Jenny Briant 253. The leading score for the Dulcie Ebenston Memorial aggregate net for the 4 rounds is Kayleen on 145 followed by Jill on 146. For the final 2 rounds of the championship to be played next week-end and may all your putts drop in!.

Sporters:  Wednesday was sponsored by G Parker & L Blunt playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. The winner was M Fitzpatrick with 27 pts, runner up R Scells 25 pts The run down went to K Kirgis, M Weber, R Brooks, J McGrath & J Browning 24 pts. Pin shots were received by K Rhodes on 4, D Forsyth received 8 while J Browning received 9. The Dugandan Dice winner this week was L Blunt. This week will be sponsored by Boonah Tyre Service playing a stroke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. Next week will be sponsored by G Lutter playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.

Friendly Friday:  Friendly Fridays had 24 players tee off playing a stoke back 9 competition. The winner was M Weber with 31 net, runner up J McQuilty 32 net followed by M Hassan 33 net. The run down went to L Edwards 34 net, followed by D Forsyth & J Browning 35 net and J Worley, N Hooke, V Christensen & G Eviston 36 net. The pinshot was received by P King while J Handley received the NAGA.

 Saturday:    Saturday was the 1st round of the Championships sponsored by R Brooks. The winner was B Perrem with 62 net, runner up L Blunt 63 net. The run down went to K Sawtell 68 net, T Britton 69 net, K Wilson W Jackson & K Reinholdsson 71 net, T Richardson, D Gittins & J Handley 72 net, followed by J Browning, P Gerhardt, B May, S Lutter, R Humphrey & R Brooks 73 net and W Gnech, J Worley, S Fahey, A Stick and P Dadds 74 net. Pin Shots were received by P Cooper received 4/13, P McNiven received 8/17 and J Browning received 9/18. The pro pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf and currently held by R Humphrey with 1.25m. The pro pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and is currently held by D Forsyth with 1.4 m. The accurate drive was won by C Perrem. This week end will be our Championships. Please arrive early for your timeslot. Next week will be a club trophy playing a stableford competition. Timesheets are out now.

Sunday:  Sunday we will be playing the 2nd round of the championships, sponsored by S Edwards The winner was B Perrem with 62 net, runner up K Reinholdsson 66 net. The run down went to W Brantjes 68 net, C Wilson & J Shine 69 net, B Freiberg, J Worley & J Nunan 71 net followed by K Wilson, L Blunt & N Hooke 72 net, P McNiven, S Fahey, K Sawtell, K McQuilty & S Edwards 73 net, and P Gerhardt, S Bailey, D Mortimer, G Eviston, R Humphrey, R Brooks & M Weber 74 net. Pin shots were received by R Humphrey on 4/13, A Stick received 8/17 while M Schubring received 9/18. The best 5 in A Grade are B Freiberg 153, P Gerhardt 157, J Browning, K Wilson & J Worley 159. B Grade are: K Sawtell 167, C Perrem 170, D Mortimer 174, N Toohey 175 and B May 176. C Grade: L Blunt 173, B Perrem 174, W Brantjes 184, R Brooks 185 and D Gittins 190. D Grade: K Reinholdsson 193, J Shine 206 and T Britton 215. The Seniors Gross 5 are J Browning 159, W Gnech 161, P McNiven 162, K Sawtell 167 and G Parker 169. The Junior are K Wilson 159, B Perrem 174 and I Browning 183. This week we conclude the Championships.