Golf Notes 10/9/18 – 16/9/18

The winner for the day sponsored by the Fassifern Pharmacy played on 5th September was Kris Cook who continued on with her good golf playing to her handicap with a nett 72. She also was the monthly medal winner. Runner-up was Jan Edwards. Kris was nearest the pin on 4/13 and Marg Kuhnemann on 8/17 and the best putter was Linda Hooke. The next competition day was Ellen Meagher’s day and Jan Edwards was our winner with 33 stableford points with Di Kuhnemann runner-up on the count back. Jan and Di both won the pin shots. This Wednesday our sponsor is the Picnic Parlour and also the 8th round of the Consistency Cup. Anne Brown travelled to Rockhampton last week to present the Meg Nunn Salver trophy which is an Queensland inter district match play tournament played in honour of her mother who began her golfing career at Boonah in the 1940’s. Stacy Edwards, a Boonah girl (she is Jan Edward’s granddaughter) who played for the Gold Coast team went through the matches playing in the no 1 or 2 position undefeated. Far North Queensland team was the winner of the salver. May all your putts drop in.
Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by Scenic Rim Landscaping Supplies playing a stroke 10 – 18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. The winner was J Browning with 44 net, runner up A Parker with 45 net. The ball run down went to B King 47 net, G Parker 48 net followed by S Fahey & R Cuneo with 49 net. R Fitzgerald won the pin shot on 13, J Browning received 17 while G Parker received 18. The Dugie dice sponsored by the Dugandan Hotel was won by M Weber. The best gross for the day was J Browning with 47 off the stick. This week will be sponsored by J Handley playing a stableford 1- 9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. Next week will be sponsored by S Edwards playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.
Friendly Friday
Friendly Fridays had 21 players tee off for a stableford back 9 competition. The winner was J McAntee with 21 pts, runner up W Martin ocb from K Kirgis & K Sawtell with 20 pts. The ball run down continued with M Hassan & R Fitzgerald with 19 pts, followed by R Brooks, G Philp, M Crowther & P King with 18 pts . The pinshot was received by P King while A Holt received the NAGA.
Saturday was sponsored by Peak Pool Performance playing a stableford/monthly mug competition. The winner was B Beasley with 42 pts (this equaled the best gross for the year with 70 off the stick), runner up ocb was P McNiven from W Hall with 40 pts. The rundown continued with A Parker, J Yates, R Patrick & L Blunt with 39 pts, followed by J Handley, P Gerhardt, M Dickson, W Maudsley & A Holt 38 pts, G Parker & S Riley 37 pts, M Hassan 36 pts and M Gnech, R Cuneo & S Francis with 35 pts. The ladies winner was M Tress with 39 pts, runner up Z Eviston with 35 pts. Pin Shots were received by S Bailey & J Edwards on 4/13, P McNiven & J Baulch received 8/17 while P King received 9/18. The pro pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf currently held by S Bailey with 82 cm. The pro pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and currently held by S Fahey with 3.85 m. The Accurate Drive was received by M Hassan. This week will be sponsored by G & M Maynard playing a 4BBB stroke competition. Next week will be the Greenkeepers Day. This will be a 12.30 shot gun start. Timesheets are out now.
Sunday the Boonah Pennant team defeated Esk at Sandy Gallop 3/2. C & B Perrem were winners along with T Alchin who won 6/5. The Chook run winner this week was B Perrem with 18 pts, runner up K Sawtell. Winner last week was B Rides, runner up J Rides. This Sunday we have a social club using some of the buggies. Social Play will be available. Ring the club to make a booking or for further details.