Monday the veterans played a stableford competition. The winner with 38 pts was P. Sheffield, runner up C. Shannon 34 pts. The run down went to M. Cufi 32 pts followed by D. Forsyth, J. Arthur, K. Cook & D. Hastie all with 31 pts. Pin shots were received by P. Sheffield 8/17 while the ladies was received by M. Kuhnemann. The Encouragement Award went to M. Kuhnemann while the members draw jackpotted.
Wednesday the ladies played a Monthly Medal Stroke & Putting competition. The winner on a count back was K. Cook, from runner up M. Maynard. J. Baulch received both pin shots 4/13 & 8/17 as well as the putting.
Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by Aaron Gill playing a stroke 1-9 + 10, 14 &15. The winner was W. Hall ocb from runner up S. Fahey and G. Searle all with 47 net. The run down continued with E. Newlove 48 net, W. Gnech & R. Brooks with 49 net. Nearest the pins were received by A. Stick on 4, M. Sim received 8 while G. Parker received 9. The best Gross was received by S. Fahey with 51. This week will be sponsored by Far Outdoors & More playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6. Next week will be sponsored by W. Wieland & A Stick playing a 4BBB stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15.
Friendly Friday
Friday 15 players teed off for a stableford 1-9 competition. The winner with 23 pts was B. Hutchinson, runner up K. Cook 22 pts followed by A. Holt 20 pts and K. Reinholdsson 18 pts. The ntp was received by K. Cook. Don’t forget we now tee off at 2.30 for the winter season…………… See you all there.
Saturday was sponsored by Dr. Yeates & C. Shannon playing a stroke Monthly Medal (this was the 2nd round of the Pro Steam Cup). The winner was K. Bridges with 67 net, runner up N. Hughes 68 net, followed by G. Eviston & M. O’Reilly with 69 net. The ball run down went to G. Philp, S. Mudde & P. Cooper with 70 net, followed by B. May, F. Johnson, B. Bennett & A. Stick 71 net & W. Jackson, M. Murray, J. Lynch, C. Shannon & G. Parker all with 72 net. The ladies winner was A. Brown with 74 net, runner up Z. Eviston ocb from D. Wall. The best Gross for the day was won by B. Freiberg & W. Maudsley with 75. The pin shots were received by R. Cuneo 4/13 while the ladies was J. Edwards, 8/17 was received by P. Cooper, the ladies A. Brown, and 9/18 was received by S. Fahey. The pro pin sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery is currently held by W. Hall 5.33 metres. Saturday will be sponsored by V. Riley, S. Mudde & T. Weatherhead playing a Stableford/Monthly Mug competition. The next 2 week-ends are the Championships. Timesheets are out now.
There is no Social Club this week-end, if wanting a game this month you will only have Sunday as the next 2 week-ends are taken up with our Championships.
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