Golf Notes 25/7/11 – 31/8/11

Monday Boonah Veterans

Last Monday veterans held a single Stableford event for their trophy day. The winner for the day was Bryan Hall having 37 Nett and the runner up was Vernon Wilson having 36 Nett following in the rundown were A Prichard, K Cook and R Parnell each having 36 Nett, P Sheffield had 35 Nett and M Maynard and A Featherstone each finished up with 34 Nett. The NTP on 4/13 was received by R Parnell, the mens NTP on 8/17 was received by A Prichard and the ladies NTP on 8/17 was received by K Cook. The encouragement award went to C Greet.

Wednesday Sporters

Last Wednesday seen Fassifern Quality Butchers hold a single Stableford 10-18+7-9 event for their trophy day. The winner for the day was Alan Stick having a count back of 25 points, sponsor for the day Fred Johnson received runner up with 26 points following in the rundown were D Forsyth with 25 points, P Ward, R Brooks, M Crowther, L Vandenbrink and M Matthews each finishing up with 24 points. The NTP on 13 was received by nobody, 8/17 was received by G Searle and 9/18 was received by M Crowther. This week we play a 4 Ball Aggregate Stroke 1-9+16-18 event for A Hertweck and G Searle’s trophy day and the following week we play a single stroke 10-18+7-9 event for Stan McCullough Memorial Trophy sponsored by Simons Tavern.

Friendly Fridays

Last Friday afternoon seen 8 players for a single Stableford 1-9 event and the winner showing the boys how it is done was Margot Leary with 25 points and the runner up was Bob Jones with 19 points following in the rundown were L Brasington also having 19 points and M McGarrity and R Brooks each finishing up with 17 points. Tee off time is for 2.30pm. See you all then!


Saturday's 3rd and 4th teams - back row Nick, Steve and Dylan Hughes with Steve Edwards, the front row is Wayne Jackson, Brad Freiberg, Alan Bennett and Scott Bennet

Last Saturday we had 80 golfers for the Holden Scramble Event. The winning team having a round of 52 ½ was Brad Hoskin, Brian Badger, Grant Schmidt and Ross McGrath, congratulations to you all. The runners up with 55 ½ were C Hill, V Quirke, R Warwick and N Postlewhite. Following in the rundown were S Hughes, N Hughes, D Hughes and L Edwards having 58 1/8, B Freiberg, A Bennett, S Bennet and W Jackson had 58 ¾, T Wiegand, P Dean, J Brigginshaw and G Knox had 59, G Findlayson, J Howard, P Miller and P Miller had 59, G Chapman, W Draheim, G Meertins and P Ledlie had 59 3/8, J Bonk, T Richardson, L Humphrey and R Humphrey had 59 ½. The mens NTP on 4/13 was received by J Handley, the ladies NTP on 4/13 was received by S McKenzie, 8/17 was received by J Howard and 9/18 was received by T Farmers. This Saturday is R Philp, G Philp, C Philp and K Francis trophy day playing a single stroke monthly medal event, Mens A, B and C Grade and Ladies winner and Pinshots will be placed on every hole also a little surprise for every player on the day. The following week will be John Shine and Richard Sheild trophy day playing a single Stableford Monthly mug event, we also have time sheets out for 20th of August, Club Trophy playing a single Stableford event, August 27th will be Maureen and Greg Maynards trophy day playing a 4BBB Stableford Medley event and Sunday will be Rotary Club of Boonah’s Open Day playing a single Stableford event. All timesheets are available for these events now.


Chookies may tee off before 7.00am or after 7.30am.

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