Golf Notes 20/06/11 -26/06/11

Monday Boonah Veterans

Last Monday Veterans held a single Stableford event and the winner for the day was Rob Brooks having 39 points and the runner up was Bob Jones on a count back of 36 points following in the rundown were V Wilson also with 36 points, T Lynch ahd 34 points, V Riley had 33 points and B Hall had 30 points. The NTP on 4/13 was received by R Brooks and 8/17 was received by V Wilson. G Henderson received the encouragement award.

Wednesday Sporters

Last Wednesday seen Boonah Jewellery and Gifts hold a single Stroke 10-18+7-9 event and the winner for the day was Rob Brooks having 44 2/3 nett and the runner up was Dick Schmidt having 45 nett followed by W Hall with 45 1/3 nett and G Sippel and R Cuneo each having 47 nett. The NTP on 13 was received by R Brooks, 8/17 was received by Bruce May and 9/18 was received by G Sippel. This week we play a single Stableford 1-9+16-18 event for John Allen’s trophy day and the following week we play a single stroke 10-18+7-9 event for Fassifern Pest Control.

Friendly Fridays

Last Friday seen 8 golfers play a single Stableford 1-9 event and the winner for the afternoon was Lloyd Brasington having 23 points and the runner up was Vic Riley having 21 points following in the rundown were A Featherstone and S Mudde each having 19 points and R Brooks finished up with 16 points. Tee off time is for 2.30pm invite your neighbor or friend to come along and join in the fun!


Wayne Hall President, Kate O'Hanlon, Roy Bartholomew,(sponsor's of Keith & Sheila Bartholomew Memorial Day) Geoff Parker, Jeff Browning and Grant Roberts (all winners on Saturday)

Last Saturday was Keith and Sheila Bartholomew’s Memorial Golf Day, thank you to Roy and Kate for attending the presentation. The competition was a single stroke event Mens A, B and C Grade and Ladies winner. The Mens A Grade winner was Jeff Browning with 66 nett and the Runner up was Geoff Parker on a count back of 70 nett, B Grade winner was Dick Forsyth having 70 nett and the runner up was Richard Eacott having 73 nett, C Grade winner was Grant Roberts having 66 nett and the runner up was Murray Simpson having 73 nett following in the mens rundown were G Sippel having 70 nett, P Manitta had 71 nett, A Smith had 73 nett, R Cuneo and W Draheim each had 74 nett and completing the mens rundown with 75 nett each were P King, A Featherstone, T Richardson, J Buganey and M McGarrity. The ladies winner was Karen Draheim having a count back of 76 nett and the runner up was Gillian Buganey also having 76 nett followed by C Mitchell. The ladies NTP on 4/13 was received by D Wall the mens NTP on 4/13 was received by P King, 8/17 was received by D Forsyth, 9/18 was received by G Sippel and J Browning had an Eagle on number 6. This Saturday we are playing a 2 Ball Ambrose event for the Sicilians, Greeks and Pommy Mates Golf Day, Pinshots will be placed on every hole! The following Saturday is the Beasley Bash Golf Day playing a single stroke monthly medal event, mens A,B and C Grade, ladies winner. Timesheets are available for these events.


No social play or chookies this week as we held our 2011 Mens and Ladies Foursomes Championships. This week chookies may tee off before 7.30am only.


Last Sunday we held our 2011 Mens and Ladies Foursomes Championships, the Gross Mens Winners for 2011 are Alan Bennett and Bradley Freiberg having 118 points and the runners up were Aidon Browning and Bruce May having 119 points followed by Greg Maynard and Stuart Fahey also having 119 points. The Mens Nett Winners for 2011 were Aidon Browning and Bruce May having 103 ¼ Nett Runners up were Geoff Ball and Arthur Featherstone having 107 ½ Nett followed by Robert Cuneo and Geoff Parker had 108 ½ Nett, Greg Maynard and Stuart Fahey had 109 ¼ Nett and Paul Ledlie and Murray Christensen had 110 ½ Nett. The 2011 Ladies Gross Winners are Dot Wall and Kaylene Turner having 135 points. The 2011 Ladies Nett Winners are Di Kuhnemann and Kris Cook having 106 Nett and the runners up were Dot Wall and Kaylene Turner having 109 ½ Nett. Congratulation to all!

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