Monday Boonah Veterans
Last Monday veterans played a single Stableford event and the winner for the day was Mark Crowther having 37 points and the runner up was Col Shannon having a count back of 36 points following in the rundown were R Brooks with 36 points, R Parnell and V Riley each having 34 points. The ladie NTP on 8/17 was received by K Cook and the mens NTP on 8/17 was received by C Shannon. B Jones received the encouragement award.
Wednesday Sporters
Last Wednesday seen Joe McGrath hold a single Stableford 1-9+16-18 event for his trophy day, the winner being Brett Davey with 28 points and the runner up was Alan Stick with 27 points followed by M McGarrity with 26 points, W Weiland and D Schmidt with 25 points each. This week we play a single stroke 10-18+7-9 for Boonah Jewellery & Gifts trophy day and the following week we play a single Stableford 1-9+16-18 event for John Allen’s trophy day.
Friendly Fridays
The Friday Friendly group played a single Stableford 10-18 event and longtime out of the winners list Bob Jones Champion, carves up the course with 26 points, the runner up was Mick McGarrity having 21 points following in the rundown were V Riley with 18 points and S Mudde had 17 points. Tee off time is for 2.30pm anyone is welcome to play bring a friend along!
Last Saturday seen Boonah Jewellery and Gifts hold a single Stableford monthly mug event for their trophy day and the winner for the day was Ray Humphrey having 46 points and the runner up was one of our youngest new members Karl Mitchell having 41 points following in the rundown were T Domjahn and B Gotke each having 40 points, A Hertweck and S Synnott each having 39 points, B Hoskin, R Eacott, J Bonk and B Bennett each having 38 points, D Forsyth had 37 points, M O’Reilly and D Mortimer each had 36 points and completing the mens rundown with 35 points each were M Christensen, W Hall, G Parker and P Manitta. The ladies winner for the day was Karen Draheim having 39 points and the runner up was Kris Cook with 36 points. The NTP on 4/13 was received by J Buganey, 8/17 K Mitchell and 9/18 W Hall. This week we play a single stroke event for Keith and Sheila Bartholomew Memorial Golf Day and Sunday we are holding the 2011 Mens and Ladies Foursomes Championships, the following Saturday we are playing a 2 Ball Ambrose event for the Sicilians, Greeks and Pommy Mates Golf Day, Pinshots will be placed on every hole!
No social play or chookies this week as we are holding our 2011 Mens and Ladies Foursomes Championships.
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