Golf Notes 23/5/11 – 29/5/11

Monday Boonah Veterans

Last Monday veterans played a single Stableford event and the winner for the day was Glen Sippel having 42 points and the runner up was Ailsa Henderson having 40 points following in the rundown were R Brooks on 38 points, C Greet had 36 points and completing the rundown on 34 points each were D Yeates, K Cook, M Surawski, V Riley and R Featherstone.  The NTP on 4/13 was received by A Featherstone, the ladies NTP on 8/17 was received by K Cook and the mens NTP on 8/17 was received by C Greet.  The encouragement award went to Lloyd Brasington, well done!

Wednesday Sporters

Last Wednesday seen Boonah Tyre Power hold a single Stableford 1-9+16-18 event for their trophy day.  The winner for the day was Brett Davey having 24 points and the runner up on a count back was Arthur Featherstone having 23 points followed by Rob Cuneo also having 23 points.  The NTP on number 4 was received by R Cuneo, 8/17 was received by J Potter and 9/18 was received by B Davey. This week we play a single stroke 10-18+7-9 event for Gary Sorensen’s trophy day and the following week we play a single Stableford 1-9+16-18 event for Joe McGrath’s trophy day, see you all then!

Friendly Fridays

The Friday Friendly group played a single Stableford 1-9 event and the winner for the afternoon was Rob Brooks having 20 points, the runner up was Mick McGarrity having 19 points following in the rundown were B Jones with 18 points, M Crowther and S Mudde each having 17 points.  Tee off time is for 2.30pm anyone is welcome to play bring a friend along!


Kellie and Vice Captain Trevor Weatherhead

Last Saturday seen the UGLY Bartender Golf Day playing a 4BBB Stableford event.  83 golfers helped support Kellie in raising money for the Leukaemia Foundation, I would like to thank all who came out and played, bought tickets and donated prizes this only shows how much support I have within the club and members, thank you!

Alan Bennett, Kellie and Wayne Jackson with the auction winning bids

The winners for the day were Ray Humphrey and John Bonk having 50 points, 1st runners up on  a count back were William Kitchen and Gordon Balharry having 48 points, 2nd runners up were Brad Hoskin and Ross McGrath having 48 points, 3rd runners up were Geoff Parker and Syb Mudde having 47 points, 4th runners up were James Lynch and Tony Britton having a count back of 46points, 5th runners up were Anthony Smith and Phil Manitta having a count back of 46 points, 6th runners up were Steve Edwards and Bruce May also having a count back of 46 points, following in the rundown were A Featherstone and R Featherstone with 46 points, P King and J Handley had 45 points, R Cuneo and G Parker had 45 points, G Kitchen and G Balharry had 45 points, D Dempsey and K Mortlemen had 44 points, W Jackson and S Bennet had 44 points, T Austin and J Austin had 44 points, T Richardson and A Hertweck had 44 points, P Dadds and N Toohey had 44 points and S Francis and G Buganey had 44 points.

Peter King with his Raffle Prize the Solo Fridge

The social winner for the day was A Davey and Social runner up was B Davey.  NARGA was received by J Comp and J Buganey.  NTP’s were placed on every hole 1/10: P Ledlie, 2/11: T Austin, 3/12: R Tuner Mens 4/13: G Schmidt, Ladies 4/12: C Mitchel, 5/14: P King, 6/15: B Gotke, 7/16: P King, Ladies 8/17: D Finn, Mens 8/17: A Featherstone, 9/18: L Austin.  Auction of Cricket Bat was out bidded by Alan Bennett and the Football was out bidded by Wayne Jackson other winners were Peter King Solo Fridge winner, 2nd K Mitchell, 3rd V Riley, 4th T Weatherhead, 5th J Lynch, 6th L Vandenbrink, 7th W Jackson, 8th K Francis, 9th D Muggeridge, 10th D Muggeridge, 11th D Hinehard, 12th E Krause, 13th S Gomez, 14th A Featherstone, 15th Peter, 16th R Cuneo, 17thG Morrison, 18th L Vandenbrink and 19th K Francis.  This Saturday we play a single stroke monthly medal event for Boonah Business Supplies and Fassifern Quality Butchers trophy day and the following week we play a single Stableford monthly mug event for Boonah Jewellery and Gifts.  Sunday the 19th of June we hold the Foursomes Championships and Sunday 3rd of July we hold our mixed foursomes championships, timesheets are available for these events now!


Chookies tee off before 7.30am only as we have a Brothers social group teeing off at 7.30am or take advantage of our cheap Sunday afternoon deal, must call to book.

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