Golf Notes 13/12/21 – 19/12/21


Monday the Veterans had 42 players tee off for a stableford competition.  The winner was K Rhodes with 39 pts, runner up was Petrohilos ocb from K Sawtell & M Cufi with 35 pts.  The ball run continued with D Beazley, S Kopelke & J Gurney 34 pts, L Blunt & G Hunt 33 pts and W Hill, R Lawrie, S Dennis, T Russell & D Mortimer 32 pts.   The Ladies winner was S Kolke with 30 pts, runner up K Cook with 28 pts.  Pin shots were received by G Hunt, S Dennis & B May while S Kopelke & J Edwards received the ladies.  The Encouragement Award was received by J Sippel.  The Members Draw was won by W Hill.  Veterans will resume on Monday 10th January, 2022.


Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by Boonah Mitre 10 playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.   The winner was T Russell ocb from runner up D Beazley with 27 pts.  The ball run down went to G Searle & K Rhodes 26 pts followed by B Sampson, M O’Reilly, B Beasley, G Eviston, G Hunt, M Gray & G Lutter with 24 pts.  Pin shots were won by G Lutter on 4, G Hunt received 8 and B Beasley received 9.  The Dugandan Dice winner was K Rhodes in a 3 way toss off.   Sporters will resume on Wednesday 5th January, sponsored by B Davey & R Stinson.


Saturday was sponsored by Tony Hollands Funerals, playing a 4 Ball Ambrose competition.    The winners were G Clark, A Leary, R Humphrey & R Patrick with 55.25, runners up were M O’Reilly, R Philp, W Hill & M Herrington with 55.60.  The ball run down went to M Weber, K Ward, G Maynard & D Beazley with 56.3, J Browning, N Pellin, T Grimshaw & J Pfingst 56.6 followed by G Hunt, K Rhodes, T Russell & R Stinson 57 net and J Miles, C Bell, T Drinnen & G Taylor with 57.6.  The Social winners were J Gillett, K Bridges, J Townsenc & M Carter.  Pin Shots were received by J Browning & J Wilson on 4/13, C Wilson & A Tomlinson received 8/17 while J Pfingst received 9/18.   Our next competiton will be sponsored by D Ryan & A Leary playing a 2 Ball Ambrose competition on the 8th January, 2022.   The Club house will be closed next week end for the Public Holidays.  It will be open Monday 26th to Friday 31st from 8 to 4.   No golf notes until we return next year.  We wish everyone a Happy Christmas & a Happier New Year, from all of us at the club.