Golf Notes 4/10/21 – 10/10/21


Monday the Veterans had 39 players tee off playing a stableford competition, for the Public Holiday.  The winner was R Burnett with 41 pts, runner up L Blunt ocb form J Gurney with 39 pts.  The ball run went to  B May, D Mortimer & G Floyd 38 pts, D Forsyth 37 pts, followed by N Casey 36 pts, R Southwell & D Gittins 35 pt and G Hunt, T Russell, C Petroholis, N Zahnow, D Zahnow & G Philp 34 pts.  Pin shots were received by G Floyd & N Casey while E Meagher & A Brown received the ladies.   The Encouragement Award went to W Delaney while the Members Draw was won by T Russell.  No Vets next week due to course renovations. 


Wednesday the ladies played a single stroke/monthly medal competition, for Fassifern Pharmacy trophy.  The winner was B Dover with 70 net, runner up was H Roebig with 76 net ocb.  Pin shot went to H Roebig on 4/13.  Thursday will be our Open Day.  Next week the course will be closed due to course renovations.


Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by W Hall & B Sampson playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.  The winner was R Maudsley ocb from runner up G Eviston followed by B Beasley with 26 pts.  The ball run down went to W Hall 28 pts, G Hunt 25 pts followed by R Humphrey, L Forsyth & J Handley 24 pts.   Pins shots were received by G Parker on 13, L Blunt received 17 while B Beasley received 18.  The NAGA was received L Vandenbrink.  The Dugandan Dice winner was L Blunt with 5 Kings.  This week the sporters will be sponsored by Boonah Jewellery & Gifts playing a stroke 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.  Next week will be sponsored by Boonah Mitre 10, playing a 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition on Thursday 21st due to course renovations.


Saturday we played the K & L Forsyth Memorial playing a single stableford/monthly mug competition.  This was kindly sponsored by the Forsyth Family.  The winner was W Gnech with 42 pts, runner up N Toohey 39 pts followed by A Brown, S Lutter & S Bailey with 38 pts.  The ladies winner was J Briant with 41 pts, runner up J Wilson with 77 40 pts.  The ball run down went to G Parker & D Mortimer 37 pts, J Handley, H Perrrem, G Philp, T Britton & J Grimsey 36 pts followed by P McNiven, B Gotke & S Reid 35 pts.  Pin shots went to G Grimsey & D Wall on 4/13, B Davey & A Brown received 8/17 while B Gotke received 9/18. K Miligan & J Pfingst received the Accurate Drives.  This week will be The Fassifern Rugby League Old Boys Open Day.   This is a 7 am & 12.30 shot gun starts.  Next week will be a 4 Ball Ambrose competition sponsored by Tony Hollands Funerals.  This will be a 12.30 shot gun start.


Sunday the A Grade Pennant team played Ipswich in Boonah.  The boys won 5 ½ to 3½.  B Spall won 1 up, J Townsend & S Peell lost 3-2, B Gotke won 1 up, C Philp drew his match,   K Wilson lost 2 down, B Lawrance won 3-2, K Milligan won 2-1 and H Perrem won 4-3.

The B Grade Pennant team went down 3/2.  T Alchin lost 5-4, S Bailey won 3-2, C Perrem lost 3-2, A Parker won 1 up and M Herrington lost 1 down. 

Sunday: This week we have the B Grade Pennants teeing off using all of the buggies.   No Social Play will be available until they have completed their rounds.  Ring the club to make a booking or for any further details.