The Veterans had 16 players tee off for a 4BBB stableford competition on Monday. The winners were D Dann & N Halls with 41 pts, runners up were A & B Brown with 40 pts. The ball run down went to K Cook & E Windolf, M Kuhnemann & M Maynard and G Philp :& L Blunt with 39 pts, followed by C Petrohilos & J Gurney and G Parker & D Forsyth 38 pts and T Russell & R Stinson with 374 pts. The both pin shots for the men went to C Petrohilos while D Wall & M Maynard received the Ladies. The Encouragement Award went to M Hassan & R Fitzgerald, while the Members Draw jackpotted. Next week will be a stableford competition.
Wednesday was a club trophy playing a single stroke/monthly medal competition. The winner was A Brown, runner up was K Cook. Wednesday will be a Bogey competition.
This week the Sporters was sponsored by G Parker & L Blunt playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. The winner was S Fahey with 24 pts ocb from runner up S Lutter, M Weber & G Parker. Pin shots went to B Lawranc eon 4, K Ward received 8 while S Fahey received 9. This week will be sponsored by Boonah Tyre Power playing a stroke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. Next week will be sponsored by G Lutter playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition..
Saturday was the 1st round of our Championships. The winner was S Fahey with 70 net, runner up D Forsyth ocb from I Browning with 72 net. The Ladies winner was B Dover with 71 net, runner up K Cook with 73 net. The ball run down continued with R Dewar,
S Lutter & M Dickson with 74 net followed by G Hunt, S Francis & A Lutter 75 net and A Gill, M Herrington & B Lawrance 76 net. Pin shots went to B Lawrance & D Wall on 4/13, B Freiberg & A Tomlinson received 8/17 while P Leath received 9/18. Congratulations to W Maudsley on having an Eagle. This week-end will be the 3rd & final round of our Championships. Next week-end will be the Brain Child Open Day. This will be a 12.30 shot gun start.
We played the 2nd round of our Championships. The winner was K Milligan with 68 net, runner up G Martin with 71 net. The Ladies winner was K Cook with 73 net, runner up M Maynard ocb with 74 net. The ball run down went to J Gurney 73 net, B Beasley, W Martin, A Parker, A Gill, W Hill & K Sawtell 74 net followed by K Wilson, M Dickson, N Pellin, W Maudsley, R Higgs & P McNiven with 75 net. Pin shots went to M Dickson & A Brown on 4/13, A Gill & K Turner received 8/17 while B Beasley received 9/18. We will be playing our Championships this week end. Social play will only be available after the last group, on the timesheet have finished their first 9 holes. Usually around 2.30pm. The best gross for A Grade are: A Gill 154, W Maudsley 155, B Freiberg 158 & S Fahey 161. B Grade: K Milligan 169, I Browning 170, W Martin 171 & S Lutter 173. C Grade: M Dickson 189, R Brooks 197, G Martin 201 & C Shannon 203. Ladies A Grade K Turner 185, A Brown 188, S McKenzie 189 & D Wall 190. B Grade: S Reid 191, K Cook 202, B Dover 203 & M Maynard 208.