Monday the Verterans played a stroke competition. The winner was L Blunt with 73 net, runner up G Hunt with 76 net ocb. The run down went to D Dann & A Swift 76 net, W Cooper, E Windolf, W Hill & G Philp 77 net, followed by C Petroholis & W Bodetti 78 net and R Fitgerald 79 net. The Ladies winner was K Turner with 73 net, runner up E Meagher 75 net followed by A Brown 76 net and M Maynard 79 net. The Members Draw jackpotted, while the Encouragement Award went to T Russell. Next week will be a stableford competition.
Wednesday was a stableford competition for a club trophy. The winner was A Tomlinson with 35 pts, runner uo D Kuhnemann with 34 pts. This week will be a 4BBB Stableford competition, draw for partners competition.
Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by N Hooke playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. The winner was M Crowtrher with 27 pts ocb from runner up J McGrath. The run down went to G Lutter 26 pts, N Hooke 25 pts, followed by R Stinson, A Stick, L Blunt, B Sampson & B Beasley 24 pts. The Dugandan Dice winner was K Rhodes. Pin Shot draws went to N Hooke, J McGrath & M O’Reilly. This week Sporters will be sponsored by M O’Reilly playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. Next week will be sponsored by The Dover Family for the Joe Dover Memorial.
Friendly Friday:
Friendly Friday had 12 players tee off playing a stableford back 9 competition. The winner was M Crowther with 18 pts, runner up B Davey with 17 pts, followed by D Webste with 15 pts. The NAGA went to T Stinson. This is now running back to the old format of handicapping. Be there at least by 2.45 for a 3 pm start.
Saturday we played a single stableford/monthly mug competition, sponsored by The Fassifern Guardian & Tribune. The winner & monthly mug winner was T Bennett with 42 pts, runner up N Pelllin ocb from P Leath with 39 pts followed by B Pearce with 36 pts ocb. The ladies winner was J Wilson with 36 pts, runner up S McKenie ocb from M Tress with 33 pts followed by A Tomlinson 32 pts ocb. The ball run down went to N Toohey, A Bennett, B Freiberg, M O’Reilly, B Beasley & J Gurney 36 pts, S Lutter & S Peell 35 pts, followed by W Brantjes & R Higgs 34 pts and S Bailey, B Gotke, B Davey, P Dadds, C Richardson, G Philp & G Hunt with 33 pts. This week will be sponsored by The Good Times Pub playing a 4 ball Ambrose competitiom Next week will be a stableford competition sponsored by T Hollands Funerals.
Sunday: We have a small Social Club this week. You can come and play in between them. We have a few buggies available, though please ring the club to make a booking, or for any further details as we still have strict rules still in place due to the Carona Virus.