Monday the Veterans played a stableford competition for the last official competition for the year. The winner was G Parker with 31 pts, runner up M Sim ocb from W Hill & G Philp with 30 pts. The run down continued with G Hunt, M Gray, M Maynard 29 pts & L Blunt with 28 pts. The Encouragement Award went to R Holland & M Kuhnemann. G Sorenson won the Members Draw. The Veterans will resume on Monday 11th January.
Wednesday the Sporters played a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition for a club trophy. The winner was A Lutter with 26 pts, runner up M Crowther ocb from R Stinson. The pins shot draws were won by A Lutter, B Davey & G Hunt. A Stick won the Dugandan Dice. Sporters resume on Wednesday the 6th January with a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition sponsored by B Davey & R Stinson.
Saturday we played a stableford competition for a club trophy. The winner was N Toohey with 39 pts, runner up J Gurney with 36 pts. The Ladies winner was S Reid with 33 pts, runner up S Grace with 32 pts. The ball run down went to D Forsyth, P Eaton & T Grimshaw 35 pts, W Brantjes & G Hunt 34 pts, followed by C & K Wilson, S Bailey, S Francis, J Browning, P Gerhardt, R Eacott, M Herrington, C Shannon & B Davey 33 pts and K Sawtell, R Philp, K Millligan & W Gnech 32 pts.. This week (Boxing Day) will be a shortened day starting at 10.30 am playing a stableford competition also for a Club Trophy. Next week will be a 2 Ball Ambrose competition sponsored by D Ryan & A Leary before the Official Opening Day sponsored by the Maudsley Brothers playing a single stroke/monthly medal competition.
Sunday the Club House will be open from 8 am– 4 pm. No Social Club this week you can play when ever but please ring the club to make a booking, or for any further details as we still have strict rules still in place due to the Carona Virus.