Monday the Veterans played a stableford competition, for their Open Day. The winner was M Fitapatrick with 41 pts, runner up M Gray with 39 pts. The ball run down went to T Russell & M Hassan with 38 pts, G Cowan & G Hunt 37 pts, R Tomlinson, B Cunningham, E Windolf, K Luxford, P Wilson & B Lapworth 36 pts, followed by A Simmers, M May, D Dann & D Forsyth 35 pts and J Smith, S Dennis, A Maugerie & A Howie with 34 pts. The Ladies winner was J Sippel with 41 pts, runner up E Meagher with 39 pts. The ball run down went N Bell & K Cook 35 pts, M Harrison 34 pts, B Godman 33 pts and C VanDaalen 32 pts. Next week will be the Scenic Rim Vets Day at Canungra on September 7th. No golf in Boonah that day for course renovations.
Bernice Dover won Kris Cooks trophy last Wednesday and the runner up was Kelly Cooper. Bernice had 38 points and Kelly 37. Other scores were Jan Edwards 36, NIcki Mulligan 35, Anna Tomlinson and Jan Baulch 33, Juleen Sippel and Di Kuhnemann 31, Jo McAntee 30, Ellen Meagher and Anne Brown 26. No pin shots because of Corona virus. Kris gave extra prizes for the raffle and the hats were won by Di Kuhnemann and Nicki Mulligan who modelled them for us. Thanks Kris it was a lot of fun. The course is closed 9th September as the greens are getting cored. The 16th is Linda Edwards trophy and 7th round of consistency cup. Saturday 19th is Graham Maynards memorial day, 23rd is Juleen Sippels trophy and the 30th is Jan Baulch trophy. It is good to see Linda is getting around much better and her ankle is improving Good Golfing everyone from Birdie.
Wednesday the Sporters played The Stan McCullough Memorial sponsored by G Eviston, playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. The winner was W Wieland with 30 pts, runner up T Richardson with 27 pts. The ball run went to S Lutter 26 pts, R Eacott 25 pts and R Stinson, M O’Reilly & R Maudsley 24 pts. The Dugandan Dice winner was A Lutter. This week will be sponsored by Boonah Business Supplies playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. Next week will sponsored by Scenic Rim Landscaping Supplies playing a stroke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.
Friendly Friday:
Friendly Fridays’ had 9 players tee off playing a stoke competition. The winner was T Alchin with 34 net, runner up K Sawtell ocb from C Wilson with 35 net. The run down went to K Kirgis, E Meagher & S Bailey with 36 net. The NAGA.was received by J Wilson
Saturday we played the Boonah Rotary Club Open Day playing a stableford competition. The Overall winner was J Pfingst with 42 pts. The A Grade winner was W Maudsley ocb form runner up R Cuneo with 37 pts, followed by W Gnech & J Browning 36 pts and G Parker & W Martin Jnr 35 pts. B Grade winner was P Dadds with 39 pts, runner up G Lutter with 37 pts followed by J Handley & S Francis 34 pts, R Philp, 33 pts and K Milligan 32 pts. C Grade winner was G Grimsey with 40 pts, runner up R Maudsley 39 pts followed by J Grimsey 36 pts, B Sampson 32 pts, T Richardson 31 pts and R Stinson 30 pts. The Ladies winner was A Leary with 39 pts, runner up D Wall 38 pts, followed by K Cook 37 pts, M Kuhnemann 36 pts & S Reid 34 pts. The Social winner was J Hertweck with 73 net. The NAGA was received by A Hertweck. The Pro Pin on 4 sponsored by Drummond Golf is currently held by W Bird with 2 cm. The Pro Pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and currently held by B King with 1.78 m. This week will be the Graham Maynard Memorial sponsored by Maureen & Greg Maynard, playing a stableford competition. This is the last round of the BiRite Challenge.
Today division 1 played Sandy Gallop and lost 2½ to 6½. Winners were B Lawrance & K Sawtell 1 up while T Grimshaw squared. Division 2 lost to Esk 1 to 4. K Milligan won his match 1 up. No Pennants next week due to it being Fathers Day.