Golf Notes 22/6/20 – 28/6/20

Monday/Tuesday:   We played a stableford competition. The winner was G Sorenson with 36 pts, runner up M Gray with 34pts.


Ladies:  Last Wednesday we played a stableford for Clair Wielands trophy and this was won by Marg Kuhnemann with 36 points. Runner up was Anna Tomlinson with 34 points. Other scores were Di Kuhnemann and Jan Baulch, 33, Anne Brown and Ellen Meagher 32, Kris Cook 29, Juleen Sippel, Vicki Bird and Sonia Reid 28, and Jo McAntee 25. The pins were won by J Sippel on 4/13 and A Brown on 8/17. The Beryl Drady match play is a final between whoever wins out of Di Kuhnemann and Sonia Reid and Marg Kuhnemann as he has beaten Jan Baulch. Good golfing from birdie.

9 Hole Competition:  Wednesday a stableford competition was played, the winner was M Crowther with 19pts, runner up was M O’Reilly with 18 pts ocb.

Saturday:   Saturday we played single stableford competition for The Managers Day. The Overall Winner was G Lutter with 42 pts. The A Grade winner was B Lawrance ocb from runner up B Gotke with 37 pts. B Grade winner was B Davey also ocb from runner up M Simmonds with 35 pts. C Grade winner was P Rabbitt with 39 pts, runner up P Francis with 38 pts ocb. The Ladies winner was M Kuhnemann with 38 pts, runner up J McAntee ocb with 36 pts. The ball run down went to M Fitzpatrick 38 pts, T Richardson 37 pts, G Philp & Z Eviston 36 pts, followed by D Ryan & W Martin Jnr 35 pts and A Lutter, K Sawtell, A Heit, C Perrem, L Blunt, J Handley, S Francis, P Leath & G Hunt with 34 pts. No pin shots or pro pins due to the caronavirus. The Championships have now been tentively booked for October 24th, 25th, and the 31st with the final day being Saturday 7th November due to the school holidays.

Sunday:  Sunday we played the Mens & Ladies Foursomes. The Mens Champions for 2020 are J Browning & T Grimshaw with 115, runners up were P Gerhardt & S Bailey and W Gnech & K Wilson with 123. The Lady Champions for 2020 are D Wall & K Turner with 141, runners up were E Meagher & V Bird with 143. The net winners for 2020 are P Leath & R Brooks with 111¾, runners up were J Browning & T Grimshaw with 112. The lady net winners were M Kuhnemann & J Baulch with 110¼, runners up were J Pfingst & J Briant with 114. The ball run down went to B Lawrance & H Perrem 114, C & B Perrem 115, D Forsyth & B Brown 115¼ followed by W Gnech & K Wilson 115½ and G & S Lutter, M Tress & N Mulligan and J Wilson & S Grace 116¾. Sunday we have a small Social Club, you will be able to have a social game amongst them. Please ring the club to make a booking as we have strict regulations of play in leiu of the caronavirus.

As of this week we have Sporters & Friendly Fridays starting up again with the Veterans starting  Monday the 6th July.