Golf Notes 15/6/20 – 21/5/20

Monday/Tuesday:  We played a stableford competition. The winner was W Brantjes with 42 pts, runner up G Sorenson with 41pts, followed by K Rhodes with 39 pts..


Ladies: Last Wednesday Vicki Bird won the trophy donated by Josie Newlove for the Audrey Morris Memorial trophy. Vicki had 36 points, runner up was Anna Tomlinson on a count back from Nicki Mulligan both having 33 points. Other scores were Jan Edwards and Kris Cook 32, Marg Kuhnemann 31, Linda Hooke 28, Anne Brown and Jan Baulch 26, Di Kuhnemann 20. The pins on 4/13 and 8/17 were won by Vicki and Di respectively. Anne won the accuracy shot. The match play for Beryl Dradys trophy is Di Kuhnemann to play Sonia Reid and Marg Kuhnemann to play Jan Baulch. Matches are to be played by 15th July. The winners are to play the final round. Hope you all have a partner for the foursomes on Sunday 28th. There is a committee meeting on Wednesday 8th July after golf. Wednesday 1st July is a monthly medal stroke and putting for Sandy Lees trophy. Good golfing from birdie.

9 Hole Competition:   Wednesday a stableford competition was played, the winner was G Searle with 20 pts, followed by K Kirgis, M Hassan, J McQuilty and B Lawrance all with 19 pts.

Thursday/Friday:  The 18 hole comp was won by B Lawrance with 37 pts. The 9 hole stableford competition was won by M Hassan with 21 pts.

Saturday:   Saturday we played a 4BBB stableford competition for club trophies. The winners were S Grace & A Tomlinson with 47 pts, runners up were S Francis & Z Eviston with 46 pts followed by R Patrick & M Fitzpatrick and R Cuneo & A Hertweck with 44 pts. The ball run down went to J McGrath & R Maudsley with 43 pts, W Gnech & D Mortimer, J Pfingst & J Briant, M & T Gnech with 42 pts followed by E Meagher & V Bird, J Baulch & M Kuhnemann, A & G Lutter, P McNiven & G Philp and T Alchin & D Forsyth with 41 pts No pin shots or pro pins due to the caronavirus. The Championships have now been tentively booked for October 24th, 25th, and the 31st with the final day being Saturday 7th November due to the school holidays.

Sunday:   No Social Club this week but we have the Mens & Ladies Foursomes. Social play will be available after they have completed the 18th as we play 27 holes. Please ring the club to make a booking as we have strict regulations of play in leiu of the caronavirus.