Golf Notes 25/5/20 – 31/5/20

Monday/Tuesday:   We played a stableford competition. The winner was M Hassan with 37 pts, runner up T Alchin with 36 pts, followed by G Philp, G Hunt, G Sorenson & J Swift with 35 pts.


 Ladies:  Barb Hamilton won the trophy donated by Anna Tomlinson with 41 points. This score also gets Barb the best nett so far for the year. Runner up was Nicki Mulligan with 39 points. Other scores were A. Tomlinson 34, Sonia Reid 33, Marg Kuhnemann 30, Maureen Maynard 29, Di Kuhnemann 20, Jan Edwards 22, and Anne Brown and Jan Baulch 19 with Jan winning the madam gofer trophy. The pins on 4/13 went to Di Kuhnemann on 8/17 to Sonia and the accuracy was won by Jan Edwards. The draw for the qualifiers for the Beryl Drady trophy and the business girls match play will be posted on the board in the locker room. Conditions and dates when the matches are to be competed will also be there. Please watch the board. Next Wednesday we play a stableford and the fourth round of the consistency cup for Lesley Rhodes trophy, the following Wednesday is Audrey Morris Memorial for Josie Newloves trophy and don’t forget the foursomes on Sunday 28th. Make sure you have a partner. We wish Jo all the best after her stint in hospital. Good golfing everyone from Birdie.

9 Hole Competition:  Wednesday a stableford back 9 competition was played, with the winner being M Crowther with 20 pts, runner up K Kirgis with 19 pts.

Thursday/Friday:  The 18 hole competition winner was J Worley with 39 pts, runner up A Heit with 37 pts. The 9 hole stableford competition was won by K Kirgis with 16 pts.

Saturday:  Saturday we played a single stableford competition, for club trophies. The winner was W Wieland with 40 pts, runner up B Gotke ocb from M Gnech & A Parker with 37 pts. The ball run down continued with G Parker, P Gerhardt & R Dewar with 36 pts, W Brantjes, C Shannon, R Cuneo & R Patrick 35 pts, A Hertweck, B Lawrance, S Lutter & S Francis 34 pts followed by A Stick, K Wilson, K Rhodes & M Hassan 33 pts and A Lutter & M Simmonds, 32 pts. The Ladies winner was J Baulch with 39 pts, runner up E Meagher ocb from S McKenzie & Z Eviston with 33 pts followed by A Tomlinson with 32 pts. No pin shots or pro pins due to the caronavirus. The Championships have now been tentively booked for October 24th, 25th, and the 31st with the final day being Saturday 7th November due to the school holidays. Sunday We have 2 small Social Clubs playing. You will be able to play amongst them if walking. Please ring the club to make a booking as we have strict regulations of play in leiu of the caronavirus.