Golf Notes 4/5/20 – 10/5/20

Monday/Tuesday: We played a stableford competition. The winner was S Bailey with 39 pts, runner up W Gnech with 38 pts. The Ball run down went to A Swift 36 pts, B Lawrance 35 pts, G Sorensen & K Turner 34 pts, D Wall, P Leath and J Swift 33 pts, followed by J Gillett 31 pts and G Philp, W Halls & M Hassan 30 pts. L Hooke won the 9 hole competition.


 Ladies:  The winner of the trophy donated by The Vault was Juleen Sipple with 72 net. The runners up were Kris Cook and Jan’Baulch with 73 net. Other scores were Vicki Bird and Ellen Meagher with 74 net, Anna Tomlinson 75, Jo McAntee and Barb Hamilton 77, Linda Hooke 78, Di Kuhnemann 80. The pin shots were won by Juleen on 4/13, Kris 8/17and Di Kuhnemann won the putting with 26 putts much to her delight and Barb Hamilton won the accuracy shot. May 13th is a stableford and third round of the consistency cup for Jo McAntees trophy. The next Wednesday is a bogey for Vicki Birds trophy.   Good golfing everyone from Birdie

9 Hole Competition:  Wednesday a stroke front 9 competition was played, with the winner being B Davey with 35 net, runner up B Brown with 36 net. The rundown went to G Lutter & J Worley with 37 net. Joey also had the least putts with 11.

Thursday/Friday:  The 18 hole competition winner was W Brantjes with 36 pts, runner up B Lawrance with 35 pts. The run down went to S Bailey 34 pts and R Dewar 33 pts. The 9 hole stableford competition was won by M Hassan with 20 pts, runner up W Bird 19 pts followed by A Gill 18 pts and K Kirgis 17 pts.

Saturday:   Saturday we played a single stableford/monthly mug competition kindly sponsored by the Fassifern Bushrangers. Thanks for your support. The winner was B May ocb from runner up B Brown with 42 pts. The rundown went to D Forsyth, S Taylor & G Parker 38 pts, M Schubring, J McGrath & B Lawrance 37 pts, K Sawtell, G Maynard & A Hertweck 36 pts. followed by J Browning, A Stick, K Stirling, S Fahey & B Davey 35 pts, J Gillett, R Brooks, W Wieland, G Lutter, M Weber, W Maudsley & J Gurney 34 pts and B Gotke & S Francis 33 pts. The Ladies winner was S Reid with 39 pts, runner up S McKenzie with 36 pts. The ball run down went to M Kuhnemann, J McAntee, A Tomlinson, D Wall & Z Eviston with 30 pts. No pin shots or pro pins due to the caronavirus. The Championships have now been tentively booked for October 24th, 25th, and the 31st with the final day being Saturday 7th November due to the school holidays.

Sunday:   Social play will be available. Please ring the club to make a booking as we have strict regulations of play in leiu of the caronavirus.