Monday/Tuesday: We played a stableford competition. The winner was K Milligan with 42 pts, runner up H Perrem with 41 pts followed by J Worley & B Perrem with 40 pts. The ladies winner was E Meagher with 36 pts. The Ball run down went to J McQuilty 39 pts, W Maudsley 38 pts, followed by S Lutter & G Parker with 37 pts and M Hassan, K Kirgis & K Turner 35 pts.
Ladies: Kris Cook and Linda Hooke won the 4 BBB this week with 42 stableford points. The runners-up were Sue Grace and Anna Tomlinson on a count back from Jo McAntee & Di Kuhnemann and Vicki Bird & Jan Baulch with 41 points. Other scores were Ellen Meagher and Lesley Rhodes 35, Anne Brown and Jan Edwards 31. Jo McAntee won the pin shot on 4/13 and Vicki Bird the pin shot on 8/17. The accuracy shot was won by Maureen Maynard. Next week is the third monthly medal, stroke and putting for Boonah Hair Shine trophy. The championships, which were to be in May now postponed to September 19th & 26th and the 3rd & 4th October. Good golfing everyone from Birdie.
9 Hole Competition: Wednesday a stroke competition was played with the winner being N Hoooke ocb from runner up R Cuneo with 32 net. The run down went to K Kirgis & W Martin 33 net and M Hassan 34 net.
Thursday/Friday: The 18 hole competition winner was D Marsh with 40 pts, runner up S Bailey with 31 pts. The 9 hole competition was won by L Hooke with 19 pts, runner up W Martin with 18 pts ocb. They also played the least amount of putts which was won by W Martin with 15 ocb.
Saturday: Saturday we played a single strableford competition, sponsored by Brad & Alba. The winner was K Milligan with 41 pts, runner up G Parker ocb from D Marsh with 40 pts. The run down continued with M Gnech, W Martin Jnr & W Bird 38 pts, T Alchin, B Lawrance, W Maudsley, M Weber, B Davey, A Bennett, R Humphrey & J Gillett 37 pts followed by R Cuneo, M Schubring & N Toohey 36 pts and R Dewar, B Freiberg & S Francis 35 pts. The Ladies winner was J McAnee with 40 pts, runner up E Meagher 37 pts. The run down went M & D Kuhnemann 34 pts, S Grace, J Wilson & S Reid 33 pts. No pin shots or pro pins due to the caronavirus. This week will be the Beasley Bash. The Championships are tentively booked for September 19th, 26th and the 3rd & 4th October.
Sunday: Social play will be available. Please ring the club to make a booking as we have strict regulations of play in leiu of the caronavirus.