Veterans: Monday the Veterans played a stableford competition. The winner with 41 pts was G Sharpe, runner up G Philp with 38 pts. The run down went to G Parker 37 pts & A Stick 36 pts followed by A McNeill 35 pts, R Parnell 34 pts and L Hooke & G Henderson 33 pts. Pin Shots were received by A McNeill & G Henderson while L Hooke & E Meagher received the ladies. The Members Draw jackpotted, while K Cook received the Encouragement Award. No competition tomorrow as the course will be closed for renovations. Next week will be a stableford competition.
Ladies: The final round of the Consistency Cup was played last Wednesday and it was also Linda Hooke’s day. Linda had the best score of the day. She had 2 x 4 pointers in her round of 37 stableford points. So the winner’s trophy went to another Go Girls Graduate Nicki Mulligan on 36 points. There was a 4 way countback and with 22 points on the back 9 Nicki was deemed the winner. Others were Maureen Maynard, Vicki Bird, and Linda Edwards all on 36, Anne Brown, Jo McAntee and Ellen Meagher 34, Meryl Tress 32, Jan Edwards 30 and other players were Jill Pfingst, Kris Cook and Margie Kuhnemann Pin shots went to Jo and Anne and Kris Cook was on the money line. The Medal of Medals is to be played on the 1st Wednesday in November with these ladies in the play off for Beryl Podlich’s trophy. Marg Kuhnemann, Linda Hooke, Jo McAntee, Jill Pfingst, Jan Baulch and Jan Edwards. Wednesday is Maureen’s day and next week our past member Marlene Zurvas is our donor. Good golfing.
Sporters: Wednesday was sponsored by W Hall & B Sampson playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. The winner was W Wieland 31 pts, runner up J McGrath with 27 pts. The run down went to G Searle 26 pts, R Fitzpatrick 25 pts and B Beasley 24 pts. Pin shots were received by J McGrath on 13 and B Beasley received 18. The Dugandan Dice winner was W Hall. This week will be sponsored by R Cuneo (Boonah Jewellery & Gifts), playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. Next week will be the Fassifern Pub Day playing a stableford back 9 hole competition.
Friendly Fridays: The Friendly Fridays had 15 players tee off playing a stableford front 9 competition. The winner was H Perrem with 18 pts, runner up W Martin ocb from L Hooke with 17 pts. The pin shot was received by K Kirgis while V Bird was awarded the NAGA.
Saturday: Saturday was sponsored by Bendigo Bank playing a stableford/montly mug competition. The A Grade winner was J Gurney ocb from runner up P Gerhardt with 37 pts. B Grade and monthly mug winner was S Lutter with 40 pts, runner up R Eacott with 38 pts. C Grade winner was M Weber with 31 pts, runner up C Wilson with 28 pts. The ladies winner was M Kuhnemann with 34 pts, runner up A Tomlinson 30 pts. The ball run down went to K Sawtell 36 pts. T Alchin 35 pts, G Parker 33 pts followed by W Maudsley, F Johnson & R Higgs 32 pts, W Gnech, R Humphrey and P King 31 pts and K Wilson, M Simmonds & A Parker 30 pts. Pin Shots were received by I Browning & M Kuhnemann on 4/13, W Martin & M Kuhnemann received 8/17 while R Eacott received 9/18. The pro pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf. The pro pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and currently held by K Wilson with 2.1 m. The Accurate Drive was won by K Wilson. This week will be the Fassifern Old Boys Rugby League Open Day with both am & pm shot gun starts. Next week be sponsored by Quality Management Australia playing a 4BBB stableford competition.
Pennants: Both Pennant team were narrowly defeated. Division 1 lost 4/5 while Division 2 went down 5/4½.
Sunday: The Go Girls along with some of our handicap players played a 9 hole competition. The overall winner was J Dover with 24 pts. The G A Handicap winner was V Bird with 20 pts, followed by S Grace with 16 pts. The best of the non handicap players were B Dover with 19 pts, followed by C Thomson, B Hamilton and V Sampson. Next week we have 2 Social Club using all the buggies. Buggies will only be available after they have completed their rounds. Ring the club for any further details.