Golf Notes 26/8/19 – 1/9/19

Veterans:   Monday the Veterans played a stableford competition for their Open Day. The winner with 42 pts was R Sandburg, runner up C Shannon with 40 pts ocb. The run down went to R Stinson 40 pts, D Forsyth 39 pts, E Windolf 38 pts, followed by R Fitzgerald, R Parnell, D Bass, N Casey, G Chapman, G Henderson & J Bell 37 pts, N Hooke, V Riley & E O’Farrell 36 pts and I Griffiths, K Jennings & A Simmers 35 pts. The ladies winner was N Bell with 36 pts, runner up K Cook 35 pts followed by L Hooke with 32 pts. Pin Shots were received by K Allen, D Bass & R Sandburg while J Sippel & J Tonges received the ladies. The Members Draw jackpotted, while B Manning received the Encouragement Award. Tomorrow is a stableford competition.  Next week will be a stableford competition.

Ladies: Wednesday before the Pro Am the ladies played a stableford competition for a club voucher and the winner was a visitor from Bribie Island, Gwen Clutterbuck with the excellent score of 40 points. Runner-up was Vicki Bird 36, Anne Brown 34, Jan Baulch, Maureen Maynard and Juleen Sippel 29, Linda Hooke and Linda Edwards 26, and Margie Kuhnemann 23. Pin Shots went to Anne and Gwen. Good golfing and may all your putts drop in.

Sporters:   Wednesday was sponsored by G Eviston for the Stan McCullough Trophy. This was an 18 hole competition. The winner was J McGrath with 43 pts, runner up was R Eacott with 40 pts. The run down went to M Gray & A Callaway 38 pts and S Fahey, P Gerhardt, W Gnech, B May & A Rodgers 36 pts. Pin shots were received by J McGrath on 4/13 & 9/18, while R Eacott received 8/17. The Dugandan Dice winner was D Forsyth with 5 Aces. This week will be sponsored by with R Stinson playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. Next week will be sponsored by Scenic Rim Landscaping Supplies playing a stroke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.

Thursday Pro Am:  The Legends Pro Am on Thursday was a huge success and it was great to see so many people on the terrace applauding shots into the 9/18th green. Amateur men’s division handicap 0-12 was won by Aaron Gill with 42 points. Aaron shot a 2 under par for the day. Runner-up was Brenton Lawrence 41, Rick Burnett 40 then Kaleb Wilson 39. Division 2 winner was Steve Lutter 44 pts, runner up Scott Buchholz 40, W Hill 39 and Steve Edwards 38. The ladies amateur section winner for the day was Alison Leary with 34 pts. Runner-up was Dot Wall on a count back from Jo McAntee and Kayleen Turner all with 32 points. T Price won the Proffessional competition with 65, runner up was M Harwood with 67 off the stick.

Friendly Fridays:   The Friendly Fridays played a stroke front 9 competition. The winner was B Lawrance, runner up S Bailey followed by M Hassan. The run down went to P King, S Riley, K Sawtell, P Cooper & K Milligan. The pinshot was won by S Bailey & K Reinholdsson.

Saturday:  Saturday was the Boonah Rotary Club Open Day. Thanks to Arthur and all the Rotarians who helped in any way to make this day a success. The Overall winner was S Taylor with 40 pts. The A Grade winner was T Alchin with 38 pts, runner up R Southwell 36 pts followed by J Browning 35 pts and S Bailey & D Smith 34 pts. B Grade winner was W Hill 37 pts, runner up G Eviston ocb from R Eacott & J Handley followed by S Lutter 34 pts. C Grade winner was C Shannon ocb from J Grimsey & C Richardson 34 pts followed by S Edwards 33 pts and C Wilson 32 pts. The ladies winner was J McAntee with 36 pts, runner up D Wall 35 pts, followed by L Edwards & J Wilson 34 pts and Z Eviston 33 pts. The run down went to K Wilson I Browning, P King, W Maudsley, W Gnech, M Simmonds, P Leath, A Hertweck, A Parker, G Philp, A Brown, J Beasley, J Gurney, K Sawtell, R Philp and M Schubring. Pin Shots were received by N Toohey on 1/10, 2 was received by W Maudsley, K Turner & H Perrem received 3/12 & 3, G Andrews & L Stokes recieved 4/13, 5/14 went to D Smith, D Wall received 6/15, I Browning & J McAntee received 8/17 and J Handley received 9/18. The Mystery Drive was received by W Hill while H Perrem received the NAGA. The pro pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf was won by M Simmonds with 1.43m. The pro pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and won by D Forsyth with 2.4m. The Accurate Drive was won by S Bailey. This week will be sponsored by Puma Fuels Aratula playing a stroke/monthly medal competition. This will be another round of the BiRite Challenge. Next week will by the Firies Open Day (Glenn Sippel Memorial) with a pm Shot gun start.

Sunday : Last week both Division 1 & 2 Pennants played Brisbane River. Division1 won 5/4 while Division 2 won 3/2. Keep up the good work guys. Next week we have a Social Club you maybe able to play amongst them just ring the club to make a booking or for any further details.