Golf Notes 29/4/19 – 5/5/19

Veterans:   The Veterans played a single stableford competition. The winner was R Patrick with 39 pts, runner up J Gilbert with 37 pts. The run down went to M Fitzpatrick & G Henderson 36 pts, R Mancktelow 35 pts, followed by B Victor, R Humphrey & C Shannon 34 pts, K Kirgis 33 pts and E Windolf 32 pts. The mens tee shot on 4/13 was received by G Philp while T Lynch received 8/17. The ladies tee shots on 8/17 & 9/18 was received by H Gilbert. The Encouragement Award was received by C Gleeson while the Members Draw Jackpotted. Tomorrow and next week will be stableford competition.

Ladies:  The threat of rain chased some girls away last Wednesday but it became a lovely autumn day for the players. Winner of the Glen’s Diner sponsored day was Jo McAntee with the excellent score of 79 gross/71 nett. Well done Jo. Runner up was Linda Hooke 74 and other scores were Jan Baulch 75, Marg Kuhnemann 76, Jill Pfingst 78, Maureen 86. Pin shots went to Maureen and Jill and Jo had the least number of putts. Thanks to Glen’s Diner for their continued support. Wednesday is Meryl Tress sponsored day. The first round of the matches for the Beryl Drady are now to be played. Good golfing and may all your putts drop in!.

Sporters:   Wednesday was sponsored by J R Plant Hire (A Lutter) playing a 2 ball ambrose 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. The winners with 44¼ were J McGrath & J Handley, runners up were M Crowther & L Blunt wit 45 net. The run down went to G Parker & B Beasley 45½, B Freiberg & W Jackson 45¾, G Lutter & T Richardson 46¾ followed by W Hall & B Sampson 47¼ and R Cuneo & R Wilkie 48¼. Pin shots were received by M Crowther on 4, R Cuneo received 8 while R Stinson received 9. The Dugandan Dice winner was G Parker. This week will be sponsored by Peak Pool Performance playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. Next week will be sponsored by G Parker & L Blunt playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition.

Friendly Friday:   Friendly Fridays had 18 players tee off playing a stableford back 9 competition. The winner was W Martin ocb from runner up C Shannon with 22 pts, followed by K Reinholdsson with 21 pts ocb. The run down went to K Kirgis 21 pts. P Cooper 20 pts followed by H Perrem & A Brown 19 pts and K Sawtell, B Brown & B Lawrance 18 pts. The pinshot was received by A Brown while S Edwards received the NAGA. 

Saturday:   Saturday was the Managers Day playing a single stroke/monthly medal competition. The winner was G Balharry with 68 net, runner up P Manitta with 70 net ocb from R Patrick (Monthly Medal winner) & S Bailey, followed by J Gurney 71 net ocb. The ball run down went to P Gerhardt 71 net, R Humphrey & M Schubring 72 net, W Brantjes, & I Browning 73 net, followed by M Frohmuller, G Lutter, & S Francis 74 net. The ladies winner was J McAntee with 71 net, runner up L Edwards 73 net followed by T Frohmuller ocb from A Brown, J Pfingst & M Tress 74 net. The Social winner was K Milligan. Pin Shots were received by R Humphrey & J McAntee on 4/13, D Forsyth & T Frohmullr received 8/17 and J Gurney received 9/18. The pro pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf and currently held by R Humphrey with 1.25m. The pro pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and is currently held by D Forsyth with 1.4 m. The accurate drive was won by L Edwards. The Lucky Draw winner was C Perrem. The NAGA’s was received by A Parker & Z Eviston. The Long Drives were received by A Parker, K Milligan, P Gerhardt & H Perrem. C Wilson won by most Bunker Shots with 6 while H Perrem was the new member for the day. This week is the Fassifern Bushrangers Open Day, with am & pm shot gun starts. Timesheet is almost full in the afternoon. Next week end will be the start of our Championships. Timesheets are out now.

Sunday:  The Chook run sponsored by Mechanics in Boonah was won by Rides with 26 pts. No Social Club this week, so bring you Mum out for breakfast and a game of golf. Ring the club to make a booking or for any further details.