Golf Notes 11/3/19 – 17/3/19

Veterans: The Veterans played a stableford competition. The winner was G Sorenson with 39 pts, runner up M Hassan with 37 pts. The ball run down went to K Rhodes 36 pts, V Christensen & K Kirgis 35 pts, followed by M Gray, R Patrick, & A Stick 34 pts and W Martin & E Meagher 33 pts. Pin shots were received by W Martin on 4/13 while J Shine & E Meagher received 8/17. The Encouragement Award was received by L Rhodes. Tomorrow is the Canungra Open Day. Monday the 25th will be a stableford competition, with a ladies competition if 6 or more ladies play.


Ladies: The 1st round of the Consistency Cup was played last Wednesday on yet another very hot day. The best 6 over 8 stableford rounds during the year will be the winner of this Cup. Our winner on the day was Di Kuhnemann with 35 points, who won her mother’s trophy. Runner-up was Jan Edwards with 33 then Jo McAntee 31, Jan Baulch 30, Jill Pfingst 28, Kris Cook 27, Marg Kuhnemann 27, Maureen Maynard 26, Ellen Meagher 25, Vicki Bird 20 and the encouragement award went to Lesley Rhodes. Di won the pin shot on 4/13, Marg on 8/17 and Ellen the money line. The ladies committee will be hosting the BIG MORNING TEA FOR CANCER on 23rd May so mark your calendar with this date to support the Cancer Council. Wednesday we play for Lesley Rhodes trophy and next week our sponsor is the Aussie Hotel. Good golfing and may all your putts fall in!

Sporters:  Wednesday Sporters was sponsored by W Gnech playing a stroke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. The winner was L Blunt with 48 net, ocb from runner up W Gnech, M Gray & J Gillett. The ball run down continued with R Cuneo 49 net. Pinshots were received by G Parker on 13 & 18 while B Beasley received 17. The best gross for the day was received by W Gnech. The Dugandan Dice sponsored by Dugandan Hotel was won by R Stinson. This week will be sponsored by R Fitzgerald playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. Next week will sponsored by D Forsyth playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.


No Friendly Friday last week due to the wonderful rain.


Saturday was sponsored by R Brooks, C Shannon & P Cooper playing a 4BBB stroke medley championship event. The daily winners ocb were C & M Frohmuller from N Toohey & M Sullivan and C Perrem & K Sawtell with 65 net. As this was a Honour Board Event there will be a playoff over 18 holes before the 31/3/19. The ball run down continued with G & A Parker, J & I Browning, B May & S Hughes and T Richardson & R Cuneo with 66 net, followed by R Humphrey & P Gerhardt 68 net and R Brooks & B May, T Lynch & N Hooke, K Eugarde & J Shine and J Gurney & G Floyd 69 net. Pin Shots were received by R Patrrick & T Frohmuller on 4/13, D Gittins & J McAntee received 8/17 while M Frohmuller received 9/18. The pro pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf currently held by A Parker with 4.23m. The pro pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and currently held by L Blunt with 4.23m. The Accurate Drive was received by K Sawtell. This week will be sponsored by the New Kitchen Company playing a stableford competition. Next week will be the Brain Child 4 Ball Ambrose Open Day. Timesheets are out now.


 No Chookies results this week. We have a small Social Club teeing off this week. You will be able to play amongst them. Ring the club to make a booking or for any further details.